Motorway Speed Limits in France - Is my SatNav wrong?

Aug 16, 2018
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Coach blt, Swift KTS
Since 2016
Travelling through France at the mo. My van is 3.8 tonnes. The SatNav says I can only do 90 kph on alll motorways. On a detour round Rouen was on a stretch of dual carriageway where the SAtNav said I could do 110 kph. Then on A 10 south of Tours there was a sign at the side of the motorway saying the limit for over 3.5 tonnes was 110. But the SatNav still said 90. So is the SatNAv wrong and can I do 110 on the motorways?
I think that applies to Sat-Nav's CAPABLE of identifying speed camera location, or so I was told by a very nice Gendarme when he told me to turn my satnav off. (Didn't make much sense as that facility was already turned off)
Luckily I knew the area around Paris quite well!
Certainly tomtom go doesn't report speed cameras positons in france, but it does however report a hazard ahead, it up to you to interpret that how you want.
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I believe since Brexit there is no agreement to disclose UK registered keepers of vehicles for speeding in Schengen areas. To prosecute you they have to deal with you there and then i.e. hand held radar or follow you with calibrated vehicle. Apparently UK vehicles are leading the "League" in camera related speeding offences in France however the French do not have any power to demand DVLA disclose details so just don't bother.
But the violation will be logged, and for persistent violations especially ones like very excessive speed, the info can be passed on to border police.
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Thanks do you have a reference for this - Google search not helpful. I want to report it to the SatNav manufacturer - Garmin.
Make sure your sat nav is updated with the latest software first.
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Make sure your sat nav is updated with the latest software first.

I update mine at least annually. The speed camera database was overwritten some years ago. Anyway, on N Roads you see warning signs about "Radars" well in advance.

My Garmin 760 allows vehicle dimension and weight input. If when in France I input a weight over 3500 Kg, Garmin provides stern speed limit warnings, weight limit warnings, and routes me along HGV diversions away from shorter through routes. If I ignore the warnings it can become quite stroppy with repeated loud "bong" sounds.

Now I make Garmin think I am driving a big RV with a MAM of 3500 Kg. That helps stop it sending me down unsuitable narrow shortcuts.

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That is not correct in the UK you can use the 3rd lane upto 7.5t.
Yes & it used to be hard work getting past scaffolding loories travelling at 90 in the outside lane:giggle:
Do they have anpr with access to details?
Do the French authorities have anyway of telling what a weight of a vehicle is other than looking at the V5?
What they do have though is your details if you have a 'crit air' emissions sticker. Or a Dart charge account or they have access to EPC Plc info & they are having a bad day you can be caught
French do not have any power to demand DVLA disclose details so just don't bother.
as above they have other ways , not usually legal ,if they wish
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I'm sorry but there is an air of

"it is perfectly fine to break the speed limit becouse you are very unlikely to be caught"

how many of those same people would also agree with,

"it is fine to break into a campervan and steal goods money and papers, becouse you are very unlikely to get caught"

But that is totally different I hear you say.
Yes I agree, you are more likely to cause physical harm or death to other people by speeding than breaking into a campervan.
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I'm sorry but there is an air of....

But that is totally different I hear you say.
Yes I agree, you are more likely to cause physical harm or death to other people by speeding than breaking into a campervan.

It's more nuanced than that that though. Yes my van is rated to 4250 because I paid for it to be so, but it is often not above 3500 in weight so is just as safe as any other 3500 van.

In fact, as a 2021 model it's probably a darn sight safer than a 2001 clapped out, overweight, rusty homemade fiat van conversion that is perfectly legal.

The law isn't always intelligent.
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On Angles Morte stickers. I have seen far more on motorhomes this trip than the last one. Practically everything without has been at least feasible at 3500. Even some of the French have stuck them on the wrong side though.
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Do the French authorities have anyway of telling what a weight of a vehicle is other than looking at the V5? I thinking if you are a standard 3500kg but have been upgraded. Do they have anpr with access to details?
with respects to Gus-Lopez
Have you got a crit air sticker? then they have your V5 (unless you sent a copy of it before up plating, you did keep a copy?)

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I believe since Brexit there is no agreement to disclose UK registered keepers of vehicles for speeding in Schengen areas. To prosecute you they have to deal with you there and then i.e. hand held radar or follow you with calibrated vehicle. Apparently UK vehicles are leading the "League" in camera related speeding offences in France however the French do not have any power to demand DVLA disclose details so just don't bother.
They managed to find us - 54kmh in a (previously 60) 50kmh zone, we both played our part in the crime, swmbo did the driving, I paid the fine, the notice was with us within a fortnight, I’m not at all bitter 😖
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Thanks do you have a reference for this - Google search not helpful. I want to report it to the SatNav manufacturer - Garmin.
Sorry, never saw your query!
I have no reference, just...i've been French for 63 and a half years...does it count? Oh I know the rules...I'd better as I always drive faster
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I have found the only benifit of Brexit……. please play the fan fare!! As we are out …..Europe do not niw have access to our DVLA file. Hence they don’t know what is >3.5 tonnes and no idea of ownership
However word of caution that only applies to speed cameras!!

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I've not yet taken the van to France, thanks to MHF I've learned lots. One question I've had in my head but not yet found the answer (not to say it's not been answered on here) is regarding speed limits during wet weather.
What constitutes wet weather? Passing through a light shower that doesn't wet the road? Or coming across a very wet road but it's no longer raining? Or passing through short stretches that it's raining, then half mile of dry, then half mile of rain, constantly adjusting your speed!?
Seems to the uninformed to be a grey area (pun not intended!) :unsure:
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They managed to find us - 54kmh in a (previously 60) 50kmh zone, we both played our part in the crime, swmbo did the driving, I paid the fine, the notice was with us within a fortnight, I’m not at all bitter 😖
Wow! Did you have Crit Air sticker ? That’s the only way I can think of getting your details If DVLA are not accepting disclosure requests from Schengen countries unless for serious crime etc.
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Travelling through France at the mo. My van is 3.8 tonnes. The SatNav says I can only do 90 kph on alll motorways. On a detour round Rouen was on a stretch of dual carriageway where the SAtNav said I could do 110 kph. Then on A 10 south of Tours there was a sign at the side of the motorway saying the limit for over 3.5 tonnes was 110. But the SatNav still said 90. So is the SatNAv wrong and can I do 110 on the motorways?
You should always go by the local signage, never rely on a sat nav, not even Apple Maps gets it right. Some Sat nav display a message to this effect
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Wow! Did you have Crit Air sticker ? That’s the only way I can think of getting your details If DVLA are not accepting disclosure requests from Schengen countries unless for serious crime
Wow! Did you have Crit Air sticker ? That’s the only way I can think of getting your details If DVLA are not accepting disclosure requests from Schengen countries unless for serious crime etc.
We didn’t have one at the time we were nabbed.
I didn’t give it a second thought until I read your response and so did a bit of investigating and came across this statement from Department for Transport:
Under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) EU member states can make a request for mutual assistance for some road safety related traffic offences through the European Convention on the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 1959.
This includes offences such as Speeding where no death or serious injury occurred, seat belts & red lights etc.

You could bet your life that somebody, somewhere in authority in this country worked tooth and nail to make sure that any perceived Brexit ‘bonus’ was undermined and before you get the wrong idea I’m not a Brexiteer - just a pragmatist.
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We didn’t have one at the time we were nabbed.
I didn’t give it a second thought until I read your response and so did a bit of investigating and came across this statement from Department for Transport:
Under the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) EU member states can make a request for mutual assistance for some road safety related traffic offences through the European Convention on the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters of 1959.
This includes offences such as Speeding where no death or serious injury occurred, seat belts & red lights etc.

You could bet your life that somebody, somewhere in authority in this country worked tooth and nail to make sure that any perceived Brexit ‘bonus’ was undermined and before you get the wrong idea I’m not a Brexiteer - just a pragmatist.
But of course all the people who rub their hands on this group becouse they think that they have carte blanch to do what they like on European roads, will all be totaly happy that somebody from france, germany, italy etc can drive through their village, street or motorway also thinking that the law doesn't apply to them.

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If you are over 3.5t you should never be in the 3rd lane in any EU country, including the UK, Switzerland and Scandinavia!

This is a regular reason why larger vans and tipper trucks get pulled by the Plod on UK 3 lane motorways and dual carriageways.

Not sure how many tens of thousands of miles I have driven vans over 3.5t, but I doubt I've gone into the 3rd lane more than once a year, and that is usually for a very good reason.
you can go up to 7.5t in goods vehicle
section 265
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But of course all the people who rub their hands on this group becouse they think that they have carte blanch to do what they like on European roads, will all be totaly happy that somebody from france, germany, italy etc can drive through their village, street or motorway also thinking that the law doesn't apply to them.
But of course all the people who rub their hands on this group becouse they think that they have carte blanch to do what they like on European roads, will all be totaly happy that somebody from france, germany, italy etc can drive through their village, street or motorway also thinking that the law doesn't apply to cou wa
But of course all the people who rub their hands on this group becouse they think that they have carte blanch to do what they like on European roads, will all be totaly happy that somebody from france, germany, italy etc can drive through their village, street or motorway also thinking that the law doesn't apply to them.
But of course all the people who rub their hands on this group becouse they think that they have carte blanch to do what they like on European roads, will all be totaly happy that somebody from france, germany, italy etc can drive through their village, street or motorway also thinking that the law doesn't apply to them.
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Couldn’t agree more except the UK has different laws to those countries when it comes to camera generated penalties, the upshot is - the UK does not bother to pursue camera generated minor speeding, red light or safety belt offences for offenders from those countries because the UK prosecutes drivers not registered owners (registered owners in the UK are legally obliged to provide the name of the driver at the time the offence was committed) the countries that you named prosecute the registered owner, all that those countries have to do is get the owners details from DVLA.
The UK has to ask the registered owner for the details of the driver, if the non UK registered owner doesn’t give then that’s the end of it so the UK doesn’t bother to ask.
I suspect that those people on here who sound like speed fiends are not really seeking to drive like maniacs they are just hoping for the best when it comes to what they (not me or you necessarily) see as minor infringements.
I am never sure which I fear most - the driver who tells me how dangerous he or she is or the one who tells me how safe they are.
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Couldn’t agree more except the UK has different laws to those countries when it comes to camera generated penalties, the upshot is - the UK does not bother to pursue camera generated minor speeding, red light or safety belt offences for offenders from those countries because the UK prosecutes drivers not registered owners (registered owners in the UK are legally obliged to provide the name of the driver at the time the offence was committed) the countries that you named prosecute the registered owner, all that those countries have to do is get the owners details from DVLA.
The UK has to ask the registered owner for the details of the driver, if the non UK registered owner doesn’t give then that’s the end of it so the UK doesn’t bother to ask.
I suspect that those people on here who sound like speed fiends are not really seeking to drive like maniacs they are just hoping for the best when it comes to what they (not me or you necessarily) see as minor infringements.
I am never sure which I fear most - the driver who tells me how dangerous he or she is or the one who tells me how safe they are.
I know what you mean with your last statement, I am certainly not suggesting that I am an angel.

Yesterday I received notice that i had a point restored on my licence due to a infringement last year, (point system is the reverse here you start off with 12 points).

I try to keep within the law but occasionally and sometimes intentionally I break the rules, if i get caught then I pay up, yes I am usualy peed off about it, but I only have myself to blame.
And i am sure most on here are similar, but some of the conversations are sort of implying that it is ok to speed becouse they are not going to catch up with you.

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I know what you mean with your last statement, I am certainly not suggesting that I am an angel.

Yesterday I received notice that i had a point restored on my licence due to a infringement last year, (point system is the reverse here you start off with 12 points).

I try to keep within the law but occasionally and sometimes intentionally I break the rules, if i get caught then I pay up, yes I am usualy peed off about it, but I only have myself to blame.
And i am sure most on here are similar, but some of the conversations are sort of implying that it is ok to speed becouse they are not going to catch up with you.
Yes, I know what you mean, I’m a poacher turned gamekeeper over speed these days, was caught a couple of times in the early days of speed cameras, that didn’t really change me, then we moved to a house next to a school where we were appalled at the speed that some drivers drove past at - changed my views and my driving style completely.
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