Similar thing happened to a group of us at a busy riverside pub near Reading - refused service. One of the group was a successful businessman so we left quietly, went back to his place, took off our jackets and returned to the pub in his Bentley. No problem this time until we loudly pointed out the publican's hypocrisy, causing him no little embarrassment.It's an interesting thing perception, I am also a motorcyclist, a couple of months ago I was leading a tour of five around the Lake District and stopped at a hotel that I had booked in advance. Upon booking in I was asked to pay in advance. Seeing red, I asked if it was because we were "bikers" and would he be asking me to pay in advance if I had pulled up in my Aston Martin. How stuck was he for an answer!
However the point is, as the number of people who cause offence grows from a tolerable minority to an unacceptable nuisance then the entire cohort will get discriminated against. Based on my experience as a motorcyclist (not a biker please!) once the damage is done there's not a lot you can do about it.