Hi Norman nice to see another runner in fun, sorry to hear about your injury I know how you feel as suffering just now myself. I don't know what age you are but I can assume if you've been running for 42 years your in your 60s, we have a guy at our club who is 61 and runs about 6/7 marathons a year and does them all with in 5 mins of each other at 3:45-3:50 amazing. He is running Boston then 6 days later London and I would bet my house on him doing them both around the same time.Interesting thread this, been a runner for 42 years, got myself another injury two weeks ago, a torn calf muscle so I was not happy to be on new running territory at the Garstang meet last weekend and unable to run.
My days of personal PB's are over naturally but just have to try for age bests when I am out again.
Keep on running