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Jan 12, 2024
Funster No
just looking
Can you find a section which asks you which POIs you want to be able to see ?
Thank you all for your replies.

UPDATE: I have successfully retrieved all the bookmarks/pins I've accumulated over more than a decade. Fortunately, one of the many customer service staffs of MAPS.ME that I communicated with was highly responsive to my queries. After nearly a day of correspondence, he forwarded all my zipped bookmarks.
Jul 1, 2024
Funster No
None yet
Thank you all for your replies.

UPDATE: I have successfully retrieved all the bookmarks/pins I've accumulated over more than a decade. Fortunately, one of the many customer service staffs of MAPS.ME that I communicated with was highly responsive to my queries. After nearly a day of correspondence, he forwarded all my zipped bookmarks.
Hi bms09,

I am in the exact same situation. I lost all of my bookmarks from my travels over the last 10 years. Slightly devastated tbh.
Any chance you could forward me the contact of the person in who helped you retrieve your bookmarks?
I have mailed the support e-mail twice but have had no response yet.

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