Looking for campsites/Aires at or near Haguenau, Alsace and enroute there from Dieppe (1 Viewer)

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Apr 1, 2024
Funster No
Hobby T500 LHD
Spring 2024
I am again on the evening Newhaven-Dieppe ferry on Tuesday 27/08 and heading for Switzerland and then Italy via Belgium-France border/Luxembourg/A8/Vosges du Nord/B500 thru Black Forest/Julier & Maloja Passes. I am taking that slightly meandering route because I know it of old from motorcycle trips before the demise of the Hull-Zeebrugge ferry but this time, of course, in my Hobby van rather than overnighting at hotels.

I shall overnight at the Aire in Dieppe on arrival and set out early on Wednesday 28th. I have slated Friday 30th for a drive down the B500 Schwarzwaldhochstrasse. So I have two days to travel the circa 400 miles from Dieppe to Haguenau (or just possibly Karlsruhe or Baden-Baden in lieu) on a mix of roads. So maybe 8 hours of driving? I can either do that in one day and spend two around Haguenau or stop off for the first night somewhere around Maubeuge or Beaumont/Philippeville/Givet on the N40.

Any suggestions for campsites/Aires enroute? I have identified this place which at 20 Euros per night with EHU seems OK:

So I am looking for tempting alternatives which could help me decide whether to go there and/or spend just one night rather than two.

I am OK with a basic Aire for one night but would prefer to pay a bit more and have an EHU and ideally a shower & toilet block. I like to eat out of an evening so a nearby restaurant is high on the list of desirable features (Not keen on the junk food served up at cafes on most campsites).The Auchan complex at Haguenau has several decent restaurants and I can easily Ebike there from the Les Pins site and, in addition, the website above lists several nearby restaurants.

Thanks in advance for your replies!
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Apr 1, 2024
Funster No
Hobby T500 LHD
Spring 2024
I could not book the Haguenau site as they are fully booked so I have booked here for the night of 29th-30th August:

Almost on the border of France/Germany and convenient for my trip down the B500 and into Switzerland on 30th August.

So that leaves me looking for an Aire or campsite overnight 28th-29th August in the region of Parc Naturel Regional de l'Avesnois or somewhere nearby just South or East of Mons (?St Quentin?)

Anybody got any suggestions of places they recommend (or for that matter to avoid!)?

Apr 9, 2022
Devon, UK
Funster No
Since 1984
How about the Camping Car Park Camping de Mon Village at Felleries if you want EHU and access to a shower block? Even today at the height of the season they are showing plenty of available spaces so you wouldn't need to worry about booking for the end of August which would leave you free to change your mind on a whim if the fancy takes you.

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