Getting the EU to agree will depend mostly what schultz thinks and how the French elections go, I reckon Greece, Italy and Portugal will be on side.Quote..
While the pandemic will be behind most of the decrease, Puig warned that it is unlikely figures will return to pre-pandemic levels due to Brexit travel restrictions.
The true impact from B****t has yet to be experienced because at no time has this period been free of Covid.
It would be interested to see if Spain could go it alone in issuing a long stay visa.....entry and exit would only allowed into Spain directly...I wouldn't imagine arriving and departing Calais and waving your Spanish Long Stay Visa to a French Border Guard and saying Don't stamp my passport Sir...
I can imagine Flying into Spain for second homeowners being manageable...that's what needs to be addressed first..
Getting the whole of the EU to agree would also be something that could take time..
Without wishing to get a political debate started, can I point out that the decision - now ancient history - should not really have been solely about our holiday or retirement plans.