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Often I see this advice given to those contempalting full timing, “ Just do it , Live The Dream” ..
but what do they mean, what do they imagine The Dream is ?
I would like to hear peoples views, those who are full time, and those who are not.
In particular.
1. How long is the Dream, where will it be in say five, ten, fifteen years time, and is there an end plan ?
2. How will it be financed?
Even modest Dreams need capital, a sustainable income.. A modest Dream may need as little as £10k per year , but more ambitious Dreams need much more .. and over a ten year period .. that's a lot of capital ..
Is The Dream to travel, to see Europe and beyond, maybe the USA .. or is it simply to retire and put your feet up.. In either case .. what do you do when you can't afford the Dream.. ?
Life without purpose is boring .. so how does The Dream fullfill this most basic of human needs ?
3.Who has tried The Dream and found it wanting and who is doing The Dream and finding it less of a Dream and more of a nightmare ?
Is fultiming not a way of life rather than a dream and if you agree.. what kind of life is it ?
For the purposes of these questions, the “fulltimer” has sold up and is living FULL TIME in a motorhome or caravan and is totally self sufficient.
We see it as a way of life but everything is subject to change / not written in stone. If everything goes pear shaped then we shall have to rethink but until such time...nothing ventured nothing gained.