Lane Hogging

I regularly hog the middle lane on the A12 both ways through Suffolk and Essex and particularly westbound M20 in Kent. I would rather do that than have my tyres shredded or suspension damaged ( as has happened) because of bloody great potholes and eroded road surfaces. I am afraid people will just have to put up with it. I don’t do it all the time but in bad stretches I feel there is little choice I think my safety and vehicle integrity are more important than the slight inconvenience I might cause.
Someone earlier made reference to highway code advice to drive on left when able to do so. Problem is on many of our shite roads I don’t think I am able to do do in safety.
In those circumstances I can't blame anyone and I think the point of law on the subject may have a tough time in court........we need a decent road surface, not an off-road experience.....:confused:
Why do so many people get so uptight about this, I can honestly say I never even think about it, if someone is in the middle lane what's wrong with passing them in the outside lane, I imagine that's what it is there for
If you want to change lane it's not their problem, it's yours. You need to indicate and pull out when safe to do so (tip of the day No. 2 :D2) not rely on other people to think you might want to pull out. For all they know you might be turning off and slowing down.

I figured out what the yellow things are for!!! the problem is the time "lane hogging" annoys boy racers most is when its busy but its because they are selfish bast***** who like to trap people in the left had lane behind lorries they cause the problem themselves. It might be my problem but because they make it my problem it becomes theirs as there is no way next time I'm going to pull into the LH lane unless I know I won't need to pull out again for a while.
Why do so many people get so uptight about this, I can honestly say I never even think about it, if someone is in the middle lane what's wrong with passing them in the outside lane, I imagine that's what it is there for
I think there was a public info broadcast a while age where people walked along a pavement like they drive cars no courtesy to anyone it was laughable.
I think there was a public info broadcast a while age where people walked along a pavement like they drive cars no courtesy to anyone it was laughable.
I remember that :D2 my thoughts at the time were that you can easily be intolerant of a car or van because its not human, it's a bloody thing in your way. But we evolved to get along with other humans so it doesn't usually come natural to fall out. It's why bikers are let out and in more (usually) because they are a human sat on a seat :D

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I have yet to see an official Highways England patrol vehicle use the left hand lane.
Good enough for a government department, good enough for me.

I've never seen one yet not using the left hand lane!
Two scenarios for you,
1. Driver sits in middle lane with no other traffic on the road other than you who is complying with the Highway Code by travelling in lane 1. Why is it acceptable for the selfish sod to make you cross two lanes to complete the manoeuvre when it could easily and safely be done by changing just one lane?
2. You frequently come across a convoy of vehicles all sat in the centre lane with nothing in lane 1 because they are all selfish/not confident/think it's their job to police speed limits because they are driving at 70 and therefore shouldn't be in anyones way.
Why do we waste all this money building 3 lane roads when obviously 2 are sufficient for these people?

And finally I'm intrigued to know where all these motorways are that have these cavernous potholes that cause you to use the centre lane. There are plenty of roads round here that are in an horrendous state but in all the thousands of miles I have driven across the UK I have yet to come across a motorway like that.
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It is quite simple. The road should look like waves flowing up & down a beach with a sea of indicators & everyone's vehicle being as far left as possible.

Sticking to the left lane means you'll be in and out more than Casanova's wedding tackle.
Which is how it should be.

Unless I'm the only vehicle in sight I shall remain a middle laner.
If I ma the only vehicle on the road then I use every lane driving apex to apex. it's quicker.

Which in itself is an offence.
You can only overtake on the left if traffic on the right is stationary or you are turning left..
No you are allowed to pass if your lane in traffic is "travelling faster than those on the right"

Different of course when they are on their way to an emergency, as with the police and ambulance they need to get there ASAP and so have a reason to be in middle or outside lane
They use the hard shoulder then . Normally that's the only place I see them.

nd if I'm in the left lane coming up behind a slow truck and indicate to move out refuse to move into the right lane which is empty to allow me to pull out.
You are in front , regardless of how fast the person behind is approaching, so out you go.
It is the person who , by virtue of being in that lane, is " overtaking" so it is there responsibility to overtake you & not yours to worry about ignorant barstewards.

and if I'm in the left lane coming up behind a slow truck and indicate to move out refuse to move into the right lane which is empty to allow me to pull out. I suppose if I were of the same mind as the toss*** I ought to just indicate and pull out so they have to move into the righthand lane

As above it isn't ignorance but your right. It is their responsibility to 'overtake' you.

Why do so many people get so uptight about this, I can honestly say I never even think about it, if someone is in the middle lane what's wrong with passing them in the outside lane, I imagine that's what it is there for

A) they shouldn't be there, B) more work in you have to travel across 2 lanes & back again, what many on here are calling out "boy racers" for doing. No they aren't they are driving correctly by being in the left lane. Then you get the ones , as previously mentioned, who when you come out from the inside across into the third lane start accelerating :mad:
Personally I think the law should be changed allowing you to side swipe & ram middle lane hoggers back in to the inside lane.
Two scenarios for you,
1. Driver sits in middle lane with no other traffic on the road other than you who is complying with the Highway Code by travelling in lane 1. Why is it acceptable for the selfish sod to make you cross two lanes to complete the manoeuvre when it could easily and safely be done by changing just one lane?
2. You frequently come across a convoy of vehicles all sat in the centre lane with nothing in lane 1 because they are all selfish/not confident/think it's their job to police speed limits because they are driving at 70 and therefore shouldn't be in anyones way.
Why do we build 3 lane roads when obviously 2 are sufficient for these people?

And finally I'm intrigued to know where all these motorways are that have these cavernous potholes in that cause you to use the centre lane. There are plenty of roads round here that are in an horrendous state but in all the thousands of miles I have driven across the UK I have yet to come across a motorway like that.
Better we save a fortune then and do away with all lane 3s
You all should be thankful, I'm in Italy at the moment and these people are complete lunatics. They create middle lanes on two-lane roads and think that overtaking on blind bends is a national sport..

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Can't see what people are defending here. We drive on the left and that's that! It's really dead simple .. other lanes are for overtaking. None are designated as 70mph lanes only or 60mph lanes only or anything else. (Other than the towing restrictions on 3 lanes or more)
Pot holes might be there. .. there's a lorry a mile in front ... I'm doing the speed limit .. I'm turning right in 10 miles..
None of these are acceptable reasons for not driving in the left hand lane and could be considered driving without due care ... certainly without due consideration for others.

Avoiding hazards including potholes is a perfectly acceptable reason for not staying in the left lane, would never amount to driving without consideration as to a lorry in front, what is not acceptable to change lanes in order to overtake it. Similarly to make a right turn, although 10 miles would be understandably unacceptable. If you have not hit large potholes you have been very lucky. When you do and have the resultant damage or, persish the though be involved in some kind of accident caused as a result, you might reconsider.

My safety, that of my passengers, my vehicle and those around me are paramount and if moving into a lane that enables me to avoid potholes inconveniences others so be it. Obviously I would return to the left lane but only when safe to do so.
I think the general consensus is we all should drive considerably and stick to the near side lane where possible. However, I find more and more I am having to avoid potholes and badly surfaced roads, especially in the near side lane where most of the juggernauts and heavy vehicles frequent.

This isn’t just a Motorway problem, it’s endemic with all roads.

There have been recent occasions when I’ve had to take evasive action to avoid dropping down a huge pothole, obviously made worse by the long winter. Leaving enough space in front of you helps but sometimes there not easy to spot.
A 6.5 metre A Class with a Tow Car attached isn’t as manoeuvrable as my car and certainly doesn’t iron out the bumps as well. I hope everyone knows where their fuel safety cut out switch is located as these can be tripped if you crash down a big enough pothole in a Motorhome.
Avoiding hazards including potholes is a perfectly acceptable reason for not staying in the left lane, would never amount to driving without consideration as to a lorry in front, what is not acceptable to change lanes in order to overtake it. Similarly to make a right turn, although 10 miles would be understandably unacceptable. If you have not hit large potholes you have been very lucky. When you do and have the resultant damage or, persish the though be involved in some kind of accident caused as a result, you might reconsider.

My safety, that of my passengers, my vehicle and those around me are paramount and if moving into a lane that enables me to avoid potholes inconveniences others so be it. Obviously I would return to the left lane but only when safe to do so.
Of course avoiding hazards is an acceptable reason to change lanes...whoever said it wasnt?
What's not acceptable or correct is to drive in a right hand lane just in case .. That's just not acceptable is it.
We all have to drive on the same roads ... and we all HAVE to deal with hazards ..wether it be a damaged road surface or an innatentive driver blocking a lane.
whats with these smart motorways, does anyone drive in the hard shoulder , must confess i never have, they point you in then a couple of minutes later they push you out again.
death traps.

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I think that those who drive in the middle lane on motorways to avoid potholes owe the other Funsters a duty of care to name these motorways in order that we may avoid them.
PS What lane do you recommend using if there are potholes in the centre lane?
whats with these smart motorways, does anyone drive in the hard shoulder , must confess i never have, they point you in then a couple of minutes later they push you out again.
death traps.

There have been quite a lot of accidents on the one near us.

Death traps waiting to happen. I can't believe they think they are a cure for anything.
Well - when Brexit happens you can take back control eh! Lol - and fill all the pot holes in then nobody will have that excuse to drive in the middle lane eh! :)
You are in front , regardless of how fast the person behind is approaching, so out you go.
It is the person who , by virtue of being in that lane, is " overtaking" so it is there responsibility to overtake you & not yours to worry about ignorant barstewards.

As above it isn't ignorance but your right. It is their responsibility to 'overtake' you.

You were correct on most of what you said in this post but are so far off the mark on the above statements that it is scary!!!

Before you change lanes it is YOUR responsibility to ensure that it is safe to do so.
Any manoeuvre that you perform should not cause other road users to change course or speed.

You DO NOT have the right to pull into the path of a vehicle already present in the lane into which you intend to enter and expect them to accommodate you.

If you are about to overtake a vehicle in your lane it is YOUR responsibility to perform the manoeuvre ONLY when it is safe to do so. This means that you must be able to do this without forcing another driver to change course or speed.

Please tell me that I have misunderstood your position.

Alternatively, please submit your proposed travel schedule to my private e-mail address in order that I can tailor my own travel plans accordingly. :whistle:

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You don't think bloody great potholes in the UK are anything to do with it then. I find the major routes in Europe particularly peage roads generally far superior to our cart tracks which avoids staying in the centre lane. having said that some of the minor roads in Belgium obviate the need for a dentist and as for Polish minor roads..................

Potholes have nothing to do with it.
"I'll break the law in case there MAY be potholes" is just an excuse for bad driving.
You may as well say "I'll stay in the middle lane JUST IN CASE there's a pissed up badger in the left hand one".

I have seen far better lane discipline on French motorways than on any UK ones.
They tend to pull out, overtake, pull back in because not to do so can cost them.
Potholes have nothing to do with it.
"I'll break the law in case there MAY be potholes" is just an excuse for bad driving.
You may as well say "I'll stay in the middle lane JUST IN CASE there's a pissed up badger in the left hand one".

I have seen far better lane discipline on French motorways than on any UK ones.
They tend to pull out, overtake, pull back in because not to do so can cost them.
Are these the same drivers who totally disregard any laws by bringing their country to a standstill and holding their leaders to ransom. Have you ever attempted to drive through Paris when a pile of concrete has been dumped on each bridge and drivers are blocking the entire city...:LOL:
Potholes have nothing to do with it.
"I'll break the law in case there MAY be potholes" is just an excuse for bad driving.
You may as well say "I'll stay in the middle lane JUST IN CASE there's a pissed up badger in the left hand one".

I have seen far better lane discipline on French motorways than on any UK ones.
They tend to pull out, overtake, pull back in because not to do so can cost them.

I am sure you are not suggesting people should remain in theft lane when they know they are entering a section perhaps two/three miles long which has large potholes and very bad surface degradation and just hope the inevitable cashing and banging as they are hit does no damage to the vehicle integrity, or cause blowouts which may well result in collisions or that it would be bad driving to avoid such dangers in the road surface?

I earlier mentioned stretches or road where I know there are very large potholes and serious degradation, I hope you don't suggest I should not avoid them and accept the consequences of not doing so just so I don't inconvenience someone who wishes to overtake. Given that these road sections are perhaps three or four miles long and I might be doing 60 mph, the person wanting to overtake will be inconvenienced for around three or four minutes.

The law is not intended to punish those who have to avoid dangers on the carriageway, it is to stop people hogging the outer lanes unnecessarily, The issue can sometimes be very much to-do with potholes and their avoidance does not amount to an excuse, neither is it poor driving.
I am sure you are not suggesting people should remain in theft lane when they know they are entering a section perhaps two/three miles long which has large potholes and very bad surface degradation and just hope the inevitable cashing and banging as they are hit does no damage to the vehicle integrity, or cause blowouts which may well result in collisions or that it would be bad driving to avoid such dangers in the road surface?

I earlier mentioned stretches or road where I know there are very large potholes and serious degradation, I hope you don't suggest I should not avoid them and accept the consequences of not doing so just so I don't inconvenience someone who wishes to overtake. Given that these road sections are perhaps three or four miles long and I might be doing 60 mph, the person wanting to overtake will be inconvenienced for around three or four minutes.

The law is not intended to punish those who have to avoid dangers on the carriageway, it is to stop people hogging the outer lanes unnecessarily, The issue can sometimes be very much to-do with potholes and their avoidance does not amount to an excuse, neither is it poor driving.
They sound like extremely bad roads. Most potholes (or lines of them) can be avoided by moving 10 inches to one side. Unless you're asleep :eek:

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