Jane & Rog Plod to Portugal

Jane And Rog

Jane And Rog

Jan 19, 2019
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Ashford, Kent
Funster No
Adria Twin 640 SGX
A few years
We had a reasonably long drive this morning, aware that Spain is very wide and we need to move east.

We drove along the A-7 from Motril until well past Almeria. I’d worried about missing all this coastline out, but I needn’t have worried, as it’s been totally wrecked (aesthetically) by agriculture. Apparently farmers started experimenting with adding layers of sand and mulch to soil along with a covering of plastic in the 1950s and 1960s, initially to protect the soil and plants from damaging winds and salty groundwater. They soon realized that crops grown under plastic were far more productive than outdoor counterparts because soils stayed warmer and retained extra moisture.

But it looks like this.


And this is a NASA satellite image.


Our campsite is by the same small chain as the aire in Ronda, so we knew we’d like it. It’s in Agua Armarga, a small beach town just north of the Cabo de Gata.


We got a good spot by the cliffs and had lunch, before I made ratatouille ready for dinner, and cleaned Denby inside and out (including windscreen!).

When it got a bit cooler, we set out to walk over the headland to the next beach. We chose the top route for the better views, including this one back onto the town.


But as we started to do down towards Cala de Enmedio, the path became really steep and rocky with loose stones. I got super nervous about re-twisting my ankle, given the fibula is still in two pieces and hasn’t fused after I broke it in Germany.

Rog had to help me down the path like an old lady - which I suppose I am.


Path down from the top of this hill

The beach was worth it for Flynn though, who luckily didn’t notice the naturists and their dangly bits, as there was sea! Sea! Sea!




Fortunately, it turned out there was a longer but much less precipitous path back to town, so we took that one, and the ankle returned intact. Well, not intact, but you know what I mean.




An ice-cream was permitted as a reward - nata for me & Flynn, chocolate orange for Rog.


Back at camp we showered & then sat with a G&T and calculated that it was a fuckton of kilometres to home & our tunnel was booked for Nov 5th - so we rebooked it for the 16th to give us a bit more time. Total cost £3, can’t complain.

Dinner was ratatouille (see earlier), warm potato salad with olives & olive oil (Spanish from the olive grove we camped in, amazing) and grilled red mullet.


As the mullet was grilling, an evil cat slipped round the back of Denby, and Flynn launched himself at it, furiously. His rope took down the barbecue and spilled the fish on the gravel. It wasn’t even properly cooked.

Rog had to be restrained from dogicide. We were both quite cross.

Dinner was ratatouille and luke-warm potato salad with olives & olive oil. We’re going to bed hungry.
Last edited:
Jul 7, 2021
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dont own one yet.
Although the thing we’re trying to do this trip is slow down a bit and not plan ourselves into seeing the Next Thing™ and. Ending up on a mad dash though country after country. But… you do need to plan a bit or else this happens:

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This is the booking calendar for the Alhambra as of last night. If you want the night tour, maybe because you have a dog, come back in January.

Hopes of cultural gawping dashed we continued with today’s plans: a walk along another via verde to Zuheros about 8km round trip. The going was easy, along the paved train line, except for a very sharp climb from the side of the valley up to the village . Flynn offset this relaxing walk by trying to supplement his breakfast with el pollo. Luckily Spanish farmers are more protective of their chickens than their cousins across the Straits of Gibraltar and he was kept at (frantic) bay by a chain link fence.

The walk to the village was through olive groves that stretched the (considerable) way to the horizon. The farming in this part of Spain seems to be a huge monoculture. There is a lot of planting going on but it’s nearly all olives.

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It’s full of olives
The village itself is classic white village with a castle perched high on a hillside. This being a day of the week and before eight at night, everything was closed. We had to make do with the view and a water fountain for refreshment.

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The sun just started to appear over the top of the valley as we were leaving.

We also got all sniffy about middle aged Spaniards behaving like UK kids and playing music on their phones whilst walking, running or just standing by a view. Today’s second example was doing both. He even asked me to take a photo of him with his phone whilst it was still blaring flamenco to the handful of tourists in the town square. Sadly although I can ask for three different types of drink and a parking spot for the night (7m only) I don’t have the Spanish for “only if you turn this incessant racket of, look at yourself, you should be more considerate”. Instead, I took his photo and bid him enjoy the rest of his ride (in English natch) whilst giving him my best Paddington stare.

We lunched on the road at a random grill because it had a fire in its outdoor kitchen. Our ordering policy (anything we haven’t heard of especially if Google can’t translate it) meant we avoided a huge steak cooked on the fire (also, lunchtime) but we did get fried aubergines with honey and cheese and a slightly less successful bacon and egg filled chicken Kyiv sausage thing. It was better than it sounds but still a little strange.

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Not hotdog.
As we ate, the restaurant filled up with farmers. Many of them arrived on tractors and had a few drinks before they ate. It looked like they were in it for the long run. Some of the older guys brought and swapped interesting looking food in huge jars.

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Interesting jar not pictured.
We’re spending the night to the east, up in the Sierra Nevada - more as a way to break the journey than having anything special on our not-planned-list to see or do up here. We’re at The Órgiva Aire - coincidentally in the hippy city of Órgiva. There are threatening clouds spilling over the mountains towards us but, Apple weather is convinced it’ll not rain.

Dinner was just next door at Parilla El Jardin. We were first through the door at 7pm but it really felt like this place didn’t get going until 9pm at the earliest, probably more like late May. Still, the grilled iberico chop and trout with ham were good.

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Alone in a nightclub.

Flynn has been obsessing about the site cat all day. As I took him out for his final ‘walk’ I said: “…and remember Flynn, this isn’t a cat hunting expedition”. Wrong. The moggy was investigating our pitch. They stood like this for about three minutes - both like statues pretending the other couldn’t see them. The cat caved first and ran for the door. Flynn tried to give chase but Luckily I had him restrained.

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Do you know anywhere good for chicken?

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Just a tip if you really want to see the Alhambra at short notice, we booked and where lucky to get a slot 2/3 weeks ahead, my sister in law from the USA and her husband did not, however they found out that you could become a “friend” of the Alhambra which gives you unlimited access at all times, it’s only money so they just got out their card and problem solved 😎👍
Jane And Rog

Jane And Rog

Jan 19, 2019
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Ashford, Kent
Funster No
Adria Twin 640 SGX
A few years
Feb 18, 2018
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South Ayrshire
Funster No
Globecar Campscout
Since 2018
I’m not surprised Flynn was in the dog house. We try to give Nala a long lead when we’re parked up but she loves winding it around the table legs 🙄.
Apr 12, 2024
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Cambridge, UK
Funster No
LMC Liberty 652
Many Years
After seeing some of the things that you are prepared to eat I thought that a little bit of gravel on the mullet would not have worried you. We have a five second rule when using the barbecue. If it hits the floor and you can retrieve it within five seconds it’s still good to eat.
Jane And Rog

Jane And Rog

Jan 19, 2019
Likes collected
Ashford, Kent
Funster No
Adria Twin 640 SGX
A few years
I’m not surprised Flynn was in the dog house. We try to give Nala a long lead when we’re parked up but she loves winding it around the table legs 🙄.
Yeah, I think the long lead is the problem. It’s nice that he can move into the shade and so on, but the demise of dinnee is a bit much!
Jane And Rog

Jane And Rog

Jan 19, 2019
Likes collected
Ashford, Kent
Funster No
Adria Twin 640 SGX
A few years
After seeing some of the things that you are prepared to eat I thought that a little bit of gravel on the mullet would not have worried you. We have a five second rule when using the barbecue. If it hits the floor and you can retrieve it within five seconds it’s still good to eat.
The problem was that the fish wasn’t cooked. Rog did actually eat some but the gravel / raw combo was not for me. Flynn will get mine for his breakfast.

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