Couple of things have put me off the iPad.
No USB ports. No SD Card port, doesn't support flash, tied into apple for media and software.
The flash bit I could live with but no USB port and No SD card port and I decided against it. I am not an apple hater I have an iPod touch and an iPod shuffle and I love them both. I did have an iPhone and hated it.
At £109 for that android tablet I am tempted to be honest as that is dirt cheap for the spec. At that price I won't expect anything with the polish of an Apple iDevice but if it gets the job done that's a few beer tokens saved.:thumb:
Thanks for the info, and thanks everyone for your opinions on choices.
Didn't realise an ipad wouldn't have a slot for an SD card--how do you get photos onto it?
Think I'll go into PC World/ Curry's/ Maplins whatever else there is in UK and play with a few--and just hold the laptop hangs on a bit longer.