This is always going to be a pissing contest, let me tell you what I think. I have been averse to Apple forever, hate the way they are restrictive, expensive and some would say elitist, I love windows, Microsoft and Google even though Google wants to know even more about you than Apple, have worked with Works, Office,Excell etc for nearly 30 years, and like many people am averse to change, HOWEVER, have spoken to many, many people about Android versus Apple and have yet to find a person who went from Apple to Android who DID NOT go back to Apple. I bit the bullet and for several reasons, not least of which was the problems I was experiencing with Windows and Android, got an IPhone 6 for me and the wifey and an IPad air tablet, at the moment they are working seamlessly talk to each other and are a piece of p*ss to use, I back up to a separate drive as well as the cloud so I won't lose everything and am very impressed with the products. And, I thoroughly and heartily recommend all Apple Products. They are very shiny. They are very easy to use. They are sensibly priced. They are white so will match my motorhome. ( actually, there black and don't) And, when I use them in public people will know I am a man of means, with a mind of my own, who chooses products carefully without following brand fashionistas.