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just a quick introduction. We are dave and shelly sims and we recently bought our first motor home. As our kids are grown up now we tend to go most places on our own (sometimes with our little staffie)
We was introduced to this site by gail and tony (our campergot trashed). We have been to lots of great places within the uk and mainly wild camping. We have been on a couple of sites which have been nice, but i think we enjoy the natural sites the most. We have only just joined this site so its all very new to us, but we are looking forward to reading about all the fun places that you all have travelled too!!
So far our favourite place is lake district.
We are looking forward to making some new friends too!
just a quick introduction. We are dave and shelly sims and we recently bought our first motor home. As our kids are grown up now we tend to go most places on our own (sometimes with our little staffie)
We was introduced to this site by gail and tony (our campergot trashed). We have been to lots of great places within the uk and mainly wild camping. We have been on a couple of sites which have been nice, but i think we enjoy the natural sites the most. We have only just joined this site so its all very new to us, but we are looking forward to reading about all the fun places that you all have travelled too!!
So far our favourite place is lake district.
We are looking forward to making some new friends too!