Sounds good what you've suggested, maybe a wee run in the van just to get him used to any rattles etc , I would make it to a beach or woodland area , maybe he would connect to getting in the van and ending up at a nice walk area , they are not daft , let us know how it goes .We “should” be picking up our PVC within the next couple of weeks. We have lots of plans which include our 7 month old Whippet. Currently the little lad is very unsure about getting in the car and does not enter it willingly (has to be lifted in) although once in he does lay down for the journey.
We’re looking for some tips for getting him into the PVC without stressing him out and to make him feel comfortable.
Our thinking is to slowly introduce him to it without driving anywhere. Give him his meals in it, sit with him, have the TV on, create a comfortable safe space etc. We then plan to take a few short journeys with a walk upon arrival.
What else can we do, what has worked for you? All tips and hints gratefully received.
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