Hi everyone, Was just browsing until I saw this post. Signed up so here I am. I'm currently in Limassol,Cyprus and like many places there are a lot of internet cafes which I use all over Europe. There's really no need to buy any special equipment. You just need to organise yourself beforehand to get everything done but you soon get used to your own system of work.
This is what I do because I tend to use the same limited number of web sites for about 80% of my internet time. These are all bookmarked at the top of my page for instant access.
'Internet Cafes' don't mind if I bring laptop with wifi, I also bringA large 2TB usb3 hard drive. I pay about one euro for each hour for FAST downloading. I stay for a few hours at a time.
Write all your emails and save them as drafts in a folder for the task. Another folder previously set up absorbs all your spam-free downloads. These are sent/received first.
I have software that can download whole websites or specific sections of a site. Over time I have about all the websites used regularly on my HD's. When I do download updates they take just a couple of minutes (often less) to bring my files up to date. There is software available that downloads videos and stuff very quickly - 2-3 minutes at a time. I can download most websites (or a movie) in about 6-12 minutes (others will take more certainly) and then take my time researching it at my leisure and the thing works off line just as if it was being downloaded. I'm not talking about Facebook here of course!
So with all this done beforehand when I do get to a cafe I spend most of my visit researching the 20% of websites not on file already. I use not google for my searches.
Odd times I use software to download a whole series of movies at a time. I don't download it all at once (last example was Series 1 & 2 of 19 episodes 0f the 'Vikings' 17.5GB). Downloaded in part. Move off to somewhere else. Arrived there to resume downloading from where I left off. I think 3 visits it was all done.
That all sounds like far too much time and work! I just want internet, wherever I am. I also want it to work whilst driving, as it keeps the kids quiet. €3 a day on EuropaSim will be my method. I particularly like the way you don't get fined for exceeding the daily allowance. The kids managed to pull down 1.7Gb in a single drive up to Yorkshire (on a three PAYG) despite being told no video streaming. I'd much rather it just stopped than charged me £300. This way, we might even be able to watch a BBC programme in the evening on SD if it hasn't been hammered during the day.