Is it possible the cable end in the cupboard is the other end of the cable by the chair? Could be TV was sat on the table and watched from the chair? You could check the cable by using a multimeter in circuit continuity mode if you've got one. Just touch one probe to the outer case of one plug and the other probe to the outer case of the other one.Thanks everybody. Will think about it tomorrow.. Really really appreciate your help.
Bearing in mind my mh has NO tv aerial, can you suggest what these aerial wires can be used for.
The cupboard has two wires: one is an aerial wire.. Don't know where the other end goes!!! Then there is an aerial wire comes from the ceiling to the chair by the table. Again no aerial so don't know where the other end of the wire goes.
Then there are these sockets in a cupboard. None of them seem to be live. Would it just be a fuse somewhere at fault?
Thank you.
The white Vision Plus box is a signal amplifier that goes between the TV aerial (which you don't have!) and the TV. BTW this needs powered by a 12v supply to work. All connected up like this.
TV aerial plugs into "Input" \ "Antenna" \ "Ant-In" \ (or something like that).
TV plugs into "Output" \ TV \ (or something like that).
12v power supply plugs into the square hole with a round pin in it. It's a 5.5 x 2.5mm female jack plug. This is the Vision Plus version for hardwiring however you could fit a cigarette lighter plug to the bare end and plug it into a socket.
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