I ve read some horror stories and confusing articles about this process can someone please clarify the following?
Should I have been renewing my C1 every 3 years after age45?
Do I need a consultant or just a GP letter to reapply before I’m 70?
I’ve not seen any treadmill facilities in our GP practise so how would this work
Would Specsavers be an adequate eyesight test?
How much is this likely to cost!
I won’t make the mistake of trying to do this on line as I understand if you do this they wipe the C1 category from your license!
Thanks in anticipation!
Should I have been renewing my C1 every 3 years after age45?
Do I need a consultant or just a GP letter to reapply before I’m 70?
I’ve not seen any treadmill facilities in our GP practise so how would this work
Would Specsavers be an adequate eyesight test?
How much is this likely to cost!
I won’t make the mistake of trying to do this on line as I understand if you do this they wipe the C1 category from your license!
Thanks in anticipation!