I Have an Issue With NordVPN and Park4Night (2 Viewers)

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Jul 18, 2021
The Charente, France
Funster No
Benimar Europe 740
Since August 2021
A few days ago, I started using NordVPN. It's working fine, apart from with P4N (laptop / Windows 10 / Firefox).

If I have Threat Protection Pro / Web Protection on and I search for a town or village, it takes me to the page that shows the map in the correct place but there are no sites shown on the map and, therefore, no sites listed on the left hand side. If I turn Web Protection off, it works fine. So, I went to search P4N on the list of sites visited, with the intention of saying 'don't treat P4N as a threat' but it doesn't seem to recognise that I've even been on the page at all. You can see here, if I type in 'park', the only site it lists is CampingCarPark.


How can I make NordVPN accept P4N without having to disable Web Protection every time i want to visit that site, please? Thank you :)

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