Well now I have the wind generator working and 2 X 75 watt solar panels lying flat on the roof you would think I had enough alternative energy, but having had exhaustive talks with my wizkid mate he has talked me into building a solar tracker.
The basis for this is an old analogue oyster satellite system. He wants to incorporate an Arduino into it with some form of electronic compass and a GPS devise. Am quite looking forward to this experiment as it will help the system I have now in the winter months when the sun is lower in the sky.
Do any of you computer buffs know anything about this Arduino as I am having great difficulty in pronouncing it, let alone understanding how it works.
Its getting to a state were am constantly looking for the asprin bottle instead of the brandy bottle.
The basis for this is an old analogue oyster satellite system. He wants to incorporate an Arduino into it with some form of electronic compass and a GPS devise. Am quite looking forward to this experiment as it will help the system I have now in the winter months when the sun is lower in the sky.
Do any of you computer buffs know anything about this Arduino as I am having great difficulty in pronouncing it, let alone understanding how it works.
Its getting to a state were am constantly looking for the asprin bottle instead of the brandy bottle.