For those of you who like to know these things:
Just out of interest I bought a power meter for £10 from Amazon and powered the MH through it whilst in storage on my drive. It's costing the equivalent of around 7p per day, or £26 per year, to keep the batteries charged while they run the electronics, i.e. the tracker, control panel and the base van electronics. It's also handy as an indicator to tell if you have switched everything such as lights and heating off.
For those of you who like to know these things:
Just out of interest I bought a power meter for £10 from Amazon and powered the MH through it whilst in storage on my drive. It's costing the equivalent of around 7p per day, or £26 per year, to keep the batteries charged while they run the electronics, i.e. the tracker, control panel and the base van electronics. It's also handy as an indicator to tell if you have switched everything such as lights and heating off.