Tourist tax is in many, many countries around the world. Use of that income varies by country. I've been involved professionally in surveying tourists motivations for staying/not staying in areas/facilities and hotels. Some UK councils will carry out this type of survey to look at changes in behaviour. However in the not too distance future I foresee all the major tourist destinations across the UK introducing such a tax, maybe even government action to keep the rate the same nationally. When everyone is charging the tax it becomes less of an issue between areas. But of course there needs to be a local mechanism to collect the tax which is something the UK will need to get to grips with. Best to keep the money where it is collected rather than HM Treasury getting its sticky fingers all over it.Nor does it show any indication that folks will pay it once, but will not return. Not saying that any of the above are true, because I don't know, but I bet the council or the group mentioned don't know either.