I had a quick look at this and found this, amongst other stuff.
Check if you can make a small claim
You can make a small claim for up to £10,000 if you have a problem with something you’ve paid for - like poor service or a faulty product. You can also make a small claim if you’ve paid for a service or product you haven’t received. You must make your claim within 6 years of when you bought it.
Check if you can make a small claim
You can make a small claim for up to £10,000 if you have a problem with something you’ve paid for - like poor service or a faulty product. You can also make a small claim if you’ve paid for a service or product you haven’t received. You must make your claim within 6 years of when you bought it.
Check the cost of making a claim
It might not be worth making a claim if it’s going to cost you almost as much as you’re claiming.
You’ll have to pay a fee to make a claim - the amount depends on how much you’re claiming. You might also have to pay other fees as your case progresses. Check the court fees on GOV.UK. If you win your case, you might get these back from the other side. If you lose, you might have to pay their fees.
Not something I would want to be confronted with. I do hope it gets resolved without having to go to court.
Yes, I referred to legal costs but for simplicity I didn't mention the court fees, which are recoverable. But not cheap.
Litigation is not for the faint-hearted.