ThankyouI'm really sorry for the loss of you SIL however before you discuss it with FIL ensure you have explored all the options open so that when you do have that chat you can give him all the info.
It is a difficult decision for you all, regardless of the usual 'phrases' being used it is much more than a 'family' responsibility and works both ways. I don't know the age or health issue of FIL but my Mum is 95 and shows no sign of stopping anytime soon and I have to be honest it's not a role I would undertake in any way, shape, or form, as we'd end up killing each other - being selfish I would need to put myself and hubby first whilst at the same time ensuring my Mum is somewhere that she is happy and safe, 'family' doesn't mean it has to be YOU who does it.
Yes we are looking at all the options and Lynne is the only family he has left apart from our boys
Now that’s a thought one of the boys could look after him lol I have to be careful because Lynne has often said she wants to put me in a home are several occasions lol