As far as I can see, that excludes most if not all of the German manufacturers, then, and certainly Burstner, Dethleffs and Hymer, all of whom have their factories in southern Germany - much further than 125 miles away from the coast.
I've also seen Hymers being delivered to Belgium on a low loader bearing the Hymer livery. I'm assuming that they would be delivered to channel ports in the same way. How they get from Calais to eg Telford, I don't know, but that exceeds the 125 mile limit too, so it seems that they must be transported in some way.
The point of quoting Deneb’s post was that it pointed out the flawed assumption in Sausage44’s post (quoted below):
My Burstner, new in June, had zero miles on the clock so must have come over on a lorry. I don't think I would have liked it raking up the miles being driven. Even when it had to go from the dealer to Fiat Professional to have the engine checked over before I picked it up, it still had zero miles on the clock (the dealer told be it was transported there)
The dealer can reset the clock at up to 125 miles. Having zero miles on the clock is therefore no guarantee that it hasn’t been driven around docks, on and off ferries, etc.