If they've worked out they're at risk of losing 60 million euros of revenue from UK drivers alone sounds like a good investment, just wait on UK plates coming off the ferries and send one of the 450 off to shadow them, jobs a good un!RADAR CARS
In the battle against speeding, 450 unmarked radar cars will be on French roads by the end of this year, according to the road safety authority Sécurité Routiére. Carrying high-tech cameras, the cars will be on the road 24 hours per day. Rather than try and catch out motorists, the Charente-Maritime gendarmerie have unveiled their plans to use the radar cars alongside additional cars used by local police, and even announced the routes that they will be on. “We have no interest in fining,” says unit leader Sébastien Letellier. “What we want is for people to stay alive”. The radar is installed behind the windscreen in the passenger area and is capable of measuring the speed of any vehicle within its range. There is also a flash installed beneath the registration plate. The vehicles will be driven at the authorised speed limit, so overtaking them means you are speeding, although a 10% margin is applied. While confinement has reduced traffic on the roads, excessive speeding (greater than 50km/h over the limit) has gone up steeply (+21%). Initially the cars will be driven by gendarmes, but it is expected that responsibility will be handed over to private firms later in the year.
Source: LIVING Magazine.