Freeloading Motorhomers

I had a meeting in Scarborough the other week with the guy from the council who made the decision to ban motorhomes from overnighting in North Bay. Although the meeting had nothing to do with this I nevertheless could'nt pass up the opportunity to quiz him about it. One of the major factors was the rubbish left including emptied toilets. He acknowledged that it was a very small minority who created the problem but he had to do something to placate the residents. He was genuinely concerned about the plight of responsible owners but as usual it is the minority who spoil it for the rest of us.
I had a meeting in Scarborough the other week with the guy from the council who made the decision to ban motorhomes from overnighting in North Bay. Although the meeting had nothing to do with this I nevertheless could'nt pass up the opportunity to quiz him about it. One of the major factors was the rubbish left including emptied toilets. He acknowledged that it was a very small minority who created the problem but he had to do something to placate the residents. He was genuinely concerned about the plight of responsible owners but as usual it is the minority who spoil it for the rest of us.

Yes, as mentioned earlier, 80 per cent of people are honest and decent, but sadly the other 20 per cent are not and it's this 20 per cent that spoil it for the rest:Angry:

We stayed at Equihen Plage a couple of weeks ago, arrived about 3 in the afternoon and left at around 9.30 the following morning, but no-one came to collect the €5 charge.

What should we have done to be honest upright Motorhomers - fasten a €5 note to the borne?


Sometimes it may not be possible...either the French authorities or the village community official does not call to collect before you leave....BUT in most cases these early, late motorhomers know exactly what there are can also see it in there actions they have done it for years,

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Took me quite a while to realise what they were doing, nearly all continentals as far as I can see, used to wonder why everyone else got up so early in a morning, then thought it must be because they are used to getting up early, what with the time difference and that.
Now I am all for getting somat for nowt and try to park anywhere that is free or near enough but when you have parked somewhere where you know there is a charge I don't know how they can go to all that trouble for maybe a couple of quid.
But saying that if I was there till maybe 10 o clock and no one had been and there wasn't a card thing or anything to pay , I wouldn't go out of my way to find someone. WHY don't they collect earlier or at least have someone about waiting for people to leave
Name and Shame,,

Would anyone here be prepared to?

Would Jim have a section on the forum?

You can not do that there are other countries involved...

Also Dave, a lot of these people are not Funsters, may not even belong to forums..or if they were members:Doh: they would be the free none paying members who just pick up all the information off the forums for name and shame would not work, water off a duck's back, they are just a name on a forum list nobody knows who there are:Doh:

These people are not ..wildcampers........
These people go and park in aires for security, convenience, owt for nowt

BUT I just hope the motorhomers that do it .....think very hard in what they are doing..that little bit of money does help the village, as they have to manage there own is not just a few euros they are saving..
With most of the European countries having problems financially it does not take much,... some French motorhomers complaining to the mayor saying they can not get onto there own aires due to other countries vans....they see all this happening

You only have to look every year more and more new motorhomers are made come on the scene......
BUT the older ones never die....
I was parked next lovely a French couple...from a village near the champagne region..he was proud of his motorhome...cost 3000 euros and another 1000 euros doing it up a very old Peugeot / Talbot ...the rear light clusters was held in with injected Foam..hand painted...well not to VOSA standards?????? takes him 8 hours to get to Calais to meet his fam (family) Brother wife and five children who live in a flat at Calais...they all come to the Aire and sit on the tarmac / concrete...they talk and talk and talk eat frites and doughnuts ice-cream and talk and talk...they sat at the Aire every day...

The Frenchman kept remarking to me..look at that old van and that one..To be honest.. I have never ever ever seen so many old, miss shaped van,motorhomes, campers, hand made / self build ..well if you could call them self build..most of them so called campers / motorhomes had German, Belgium, Nederland's reg plates that must have come out of the ark. or out of skip or the crusher...then there was the vans with caravans sat on the back...the lorries with a window in and a door...any old van if it had sides it was a camper, then the ex army gear boys 6 or 8 wheel drive who think they are on safari but never move from the Calais front... some of the campers you think how hell did they get through a fact how heck did they get there..

There was was one big German woman, on her own.who drove into the Aire...nearly ran me over I had to jump out of the way with my seat as she scraped along side the concrete bollards...then she drove up and over the large kerb BANG!!, the kerb that has the tall lighting and the waste bin BANG!!! again and her van jumped sideways as it the kerb and nearly hit a very old French couple in there 80/90s sat drinking wine... after that she parked it ..her motorhome was in a very old and BAD state of repair ...she now see's a better spot ...whoosh of she goes again BANG she hits a concrete bollard down her van side then BANG she hits a tall post with a warning sign on in her I have heard and seen the Germans with the towels and getting the best place....BUT this is taking it to a different level

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Something for now't

Having spoken to one or two people it has become evident that a lot of people abuse the Aires system in France. The leave early, arrive late just to avoid paying the fee, not a lot just a few Euros at most. When at home in their own country there are no free legal aires.
It’s not only Brits, it’s all nations, and one day the French may well say “Enough”, and I for one can’t blame them. As with most things, a small number abusing will kill off the whole system..

Totally agree alway's the same few who knacker the joy for the many!
Having said that I must confess, back in the 60's as a teenage motorcycle rocker yep with all the leather kit (we all thought we were Marlyn Brando then easy rider n all that), we were fortunate to live in the southside of Glasgow within 30 minutes we could be in Argyll.
Stayed the weekend on various Loch Lomond, Loch Awe, Loch Long, and other great sites.
They were just fields then, our thrill was to pitch tent arriving after the Lairds man had carried out his dues round about 8pm and leave next morning before to avoid paying the half crown or 2/6p. My excuse I was only 16/17 then wo teenagers i hear you say. great times:Blush:
Dropped pin
near 10-12 Promenade de la Vézère, 24620 Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil, France

We stayed one night in tayec on above site
filled up at around 6 pm at 8 am only about ten vans left in at 9 am local police knocked on door for rent I think it was five euro at 11 am the vans that went came back all French plates WTF is wrong with them the site is very good nice place good resterants In town only five min walk away
We even watched one French guy run his hose to hand basin in toilet rather than use motorhome point and pay one euro then drove back in empty waste at motorhome point

And if anybody is interested brill place to stay and visit all historic sites in area
We have spent at least 3 months each year in France for the last 4 years and only use aires. It does happen and we are incredulous that such cheap and brilliant services are abused. They do not know how lucky they are! In our experience the French do it far more than any other nation though.

One of our favourite aires is Mortagne sur Gironde where it is a whopping ;) €7.40 a night with electric and a lovely view of a marina. The guy who comes around every morning to collect the money literally jumps out in front of Motorhomes trying to leave without paying and makes sure they pay their dues. Makes us smile every time and good on him. Shame he has to though.

Just recently come away from that one ,he doesn`t so much jump out at you but more like falls off of his bar stool at little cafe near the exit point :Rofl1:
good site :Cool:

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Dropped pin
near 10-12 Promenade de la Vézère, 24620 Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil, France

We stayed one night in tayec on above site
filled up at around 6 pm at 8 am only about ten vans left in at 9 am local police knocked on door for rent I think it was five euro at 11 am the vans that went came back all French plates WTF is wrong with them the site is very good nice place good resterants In town only five min walk away
We even watched one French guy run his hose to hand basin in toilet rather than use motorhome point and pay one euro then drove back in empty waste at motorhome point

And if anybody is interested brill place to stay and visit all historic sites in area

I think with the French vans...its a way of beating the french system...getting some of there money back:Doh::Rofl1::Rofl1:
It does not take much working out...France take on a lot of visitors... and each year the load gets greater.
When we left the uk 10 years +...
Most of the people then that took to the outdoors camping, were caravaners and frame tents I know I used to be a caravaner...not many motorhomes would be seen in the uk and what did exist was a lot of old re-registered European vans....

Now the Germans and French always did have motohomes (not so much the caravans)...and now they seem to expand more and more.

BUT now you have the UK,new and expat caravan & camping people, the Belgium's, the Nederland's(who also was a caravan nation) also have the people that did package tours to Spain, Greece, Portugal and other European countries are buying motorhomes...could be for the freedom..or maybe due to the airports that are always on strike at holiday time....also the Brits who purchased properties in Spain that have sadly gone wrong not through there own Fault...Now buy motorhomes..:Doh:
And old motorhomes never die they just go on and on and on.

All these motorhomes seem to descend on France in the summer...

French villages will only have a limited amount of money....

All I am saying if there is a pay point..Please Pay...if it is collected ....wait a few minutes or a hour to are on Holiday, you are not in a rush.. stop chasing your tail...and relax....
Think of others,
If in France think of the French people who do welcome you as visitors, they don't owe you:thumb:

And don't say we spend in the villages so we give give to the French economy...some may spend a little buying a baguette or a croissant....or shop in Lidl or Aldi (German supermarkets ) because they are familiar.

In fact a lot of these brit motorhomes fetch most of there own food with them:RollEyes::Wink::Wink:, Bacon,Baked beans, sausages black pudding and many other English goodies..Mmmm.. I wish ....I miss...
in fact when they return home after a couple of weeks they still have load's still have uk food still in there van's...(a Expat dreaming of English bacon Mmmm) .....then load up with wine and beer at Calais to go back home all purchased from a expat Brit.Wine place.

A lot of these villages Aires you stop in, the villages would love to do what you do motorhoming. but can not afford to..I know in the village we live in many would love a motorhome our bread delivery lady is one of them

Its not everybody its a certain few... if you want old fashioned values then this is one place to start...
I am not interested in what other countries do in France.. but I am about the UK..they are Best :RollEyes: (Ok I may joke a little about the brit's, but they do like a joke and we can laugh at ourselves)..I am very passionate about the UK always was, always will be .....we are better.. I know I am..I'm From Yarkshire.....
A old Yarkshire saying ...these people just want ....owt for nowt .......................:Doh:
We've been lucky so far only one Aries just up coast from saint malo was full and another moved n couldn't find It , a great system and glad to pay the small amounts where they've charged, better than rip off Britain motor homing here!
We've been lucky so far only one Aries just up coast from saint malo was full and another moved n couldn't find It , a great system and glad to pay the small amounts where they've charged, better than rip off Britain motor homing here!

What's rip-off about Britain that isn't about anywhere else? Commercial businesses have to make a profit whatever country they are in and facilities provided by municipalities in any country have to either pay their way or be subsidised from general taxation.

On our recent trip which included the Shrewsbury Show (where we stayed for 3 nights) the other 11 nights cost us between £7.50 and £8 each using C&CC THSs. On our next trip (which will include 4 nights at the Malvern Show) we will have 10 nights on commercial sites (because they are convenient for where we want to go) at £15 a night each. Our choice in both cases and I wouldn't consider any element a rip off - the THSs are only so cheap because the stewards give their time for free.
I must admit the only ones we saw 'escaping' before having to pay in the morning were French! On one in particular we were still slobbing around in bed at 9.00 am when the lady called and we happily paid up - it was a lovely place, on 2 tiers, right next to a lake and we had had a lovely afternoon there and intended to stay for most of the morning. One French motorhome owner, obviously having seen that the collection lady was at our van, couldn't move his van quick enough to get off the aire! Now, if the collection lady had had foresight she'd have parked her car across the entrance so he couldn't have left without paying, which is something we've certainly seen in the past at some aires .. it don't half p*ss off the French owners who try to get out though and then realise they're trapped! :thumb:

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Last Thursday on Calais aire - which has been extended for July and August to incorporate the entire bit in front - there was a Belgium van occupying one space (marked spaces) and then they occupied the next one with table and chairs. They did not budge even though it was so full vans were driving in and out looking for a space 'till late.:Angry:
I'm really surprised no one told them to bugger off! Don't know if the attendant charged them for two spaces?!
Having spoken to one or two people it has become evident that a lot of people abuse the Aires system in France. The leave early, arrive late just to avoid paying the fee, not a lot just a few Euros at most. When at home in their own country there are no free legal aires.
It’s not only Brits, it’s all nations, and one day the French may well say “Enough”, and I for one can’t blame them. As with most things, a small number abusing will kill off the whole system..Thoughts?
You will love this shifty.:Cool: I used to make a hobby of staying on the most expensive and best sites in the UK and abroad for free. I'm not talking about your 5 euro aires, we are are talking up to £70 a night. Having a small camper this was easy. Not possible in all cases but very rarely a problem. All you need is plenty of front and money in your pocket should you get found out. Had some close encounters but that is all part of the high. Staying on one big posh site in Dorset during the full Bank holiday one night when a van knocked on our door insisting that we were on his pitch. Sorry I said it was dark when we arrived so he helped us to pack up and thanked us very much for being so amiable.
Now am I telling the truth or not.:Wink:
Oh, as regards the comment about filling up with water from the sink in the toilet block, we found this contraption on one aire toilet block to prevent it ... when the tap lever was lifted the water came out through lots of little holes in the bottom of the central copper pipe, a bit like an elongated shower! Anyone trying to fill from there would have a very, very, very long wait to try to fill anything!!! :Rofl1:


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What's rip-off about Britain that isn't about anywhere else?

On the continent there tends to be high and low seasons, which are actually "seasonal".
In this country, every school half term and every bank holiday are deemed "high " season by most site owners.
How can they justify in some cases almost doubling rates from Friday night through to and including Monday night just because Monday is a day off?(Bank holiday)
Extra charge for an awning, for a dog, for a car (when a caravan's tow car isn't charged extra), etc.
The "super pitch" extra charge just because it's nearer to a tap.
That's what is meant by rip off Britain.
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On the continent there tends to be high and low seasons, which are actually "seasonal".
In this country, every school half term and every bank holiday are deemed "high " season by most site owners.
How can they justify in some cases almost doubling rates from Friday night through to and including Monday night just because Monday is a day off?(Bank holiday)
Extra charge for an awning, for a dog, for a car (when a caravan's tow car isn't charged extra), etc.

That's what is meant by rip off Britain.

No it isn't John. It's called supply and demand and it occurs all over the world. It's also why society pays more for certain skills than others, not just products/services. As for extra charges, if we don't like it we can choose to go elsewhere. A business will soon go down the tubes if it fails to gain customers because it charges too much. If a business is making sufficient profit despite apparently high prices it is getting it right from its point of view.

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No it isn't John. It's called supply and demand and it occurs all over the world. It's also why society pays more for certain skills than others, not just products/services. As for extra charges, if we don't like it we can choose to go elsewhere. A business will soon go down the tubes if it fails to gain customers because it charges too much. If a business is making sufficient profit despite apparently high prices it is getting it right from its point of view.

It doesn't occur all over the world, Graham and no extra skills / products / services are involved. The site and services don't change.

Look at sites rates for France, for instance.
The high season rates are payable in the main holiday season.
THAT happens all over the world.

The term "high season" is not used as a grabbing excuse every time there is a day off or short school holiday, as it is here in UK.
Site owners here charge as they like, without any fear of competition from the likes of the Aires system in France.
Here there is very little alternative to sites, so choosing to go elsewhere isn't much of an option.

I have no problem in paying a going rate and I have no problem with a high and low seasons, but every day off is a bit much. Just a greed exercise.
Also, what the hell is "Mid" season, and how does that justify a higher charge than "Low" season?

In France caravanners / MHers are a source of income, here they are a cash cow. (Worse in some parts of the UK than others)
Little wonder, really, many folk take their MHs over the water.

Anyway, back to the OP:
If there is a charge for using a facility, folk should pay it or not use it.
To deliberately avoid doing so goes beyond freeloading at others' expense. it is theft, pure and simple.
We should regard these people as common thieves, nothing less.
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My extra skills/products/services was simply an illustration of another effect of supply and demand

High season rates may well be payable elsewhere in the main holiday season but the fact is that in this country the main holiday season occurs at the same times as school holidays, not in a single lump. Mid season prices include the spring and autumn half term holidays and are simply a reflection of the fact that demand is higher at those times - supply and demand again.

Of course site owners here charge as they like, it's called business. It's the same as any other area of trade and, as I said, they would soon go to the wall if they charged too much. If it is truly "without any fear of competition from the likes of the Aires system in France" why doesn't a UK entrepreneur open a network of aires to cash in? Could it be because they know fine well that there is insufficient demand?

I assume that by saying "Here there is very little alternative to sites" you refer to large, all singing all dancing sites. We have a network or over 4000 CLs/CSs in this country which give a choice of going elsewhere, quite apart from the smaller private sites with fewer amenities. If there is such a gap in the market then, once again, why doesn't a UK entrepreneur open a network of smaller sites to cash in?

We also have the hundreds of rallies/meets run by the C&CC, MCC and CC - as mentioned earlier we had 11 nights for about £80 earlier this month. As a member of the MCC I can get 5 nights at a Haven site in Sept/Oct for only £30 (All site facilities/passes included, EHU, grass pitch).

Cash cow? Rip off? Little alternative? I think not.

You would make a great spin doctor.
The school holidays are staggered everywhere, but only here is that reflected in the extra site fees charged for these periods.
As a non club member, there is little alternative.

We've done this now?

Are the deliberate non payers thieves, or what?
I think so.
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You would make a great spin doctor.
The school holidays are staggered everywhere, but only here is that reflected in the extra site fees charged for these periods.
As a non club member, there is little alternative.
Cheap to join and you soon save your subs :Smile:

We've done this now?

Are the deliberate non payers thieves, or what?
I think so.

I agree
Anyone noticed that since the schools have 'broken up' the price of diesel has gone up!! Same at every other 'holiday' getaway...

Diesel £1.42p per litre.

France € 1.35 (£1.16)....

Hmmmmm, Rip off Britain? Me thinks so,,,

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and someone on here keeps saying the french pay more taxes where may i ask?
mind food is cheaper in uk . infact everyday things apart from beer fuel or fags could be cheapest in europe . as been for awhile .
Anyone noticed that since the schools have 'broken up' the price of diesel has gone up!! Same at every other 'holiday' getaway...

Diesel £1.42p per litre.

France € 1.35 (£1.16)....

Hmmmmm, Rip off Britain? Me thinks so,,,

That is a big difference Dave per after 27 litres of French diesel !!!!!! they have there parking money back...:RollEyes::RollEyes::Wink::Wink: and the diesel is normally even more cheaper...mid / west France :Cool:
Diesel 1.32 euros and gas cheaper here too.
Back in uk sites we stayed at recently to give the kids what they want on their school hols were very expensive but made the choice to go so tuff luck I suppose but when in them a coke for kids in club averaged 2.80 quid a pop and food, use of activities etc were surprisingly high !
Every thing over last decade has shot up at an alarming rate back home and not always at value for money either . I know businesses have to make a profit but greed is god these days it seems and only good thing is it may not be so expensive if you want to holiday in say Switzerland soon hahaha.

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