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Was not able to copy in full however the most salient but you can find it in the BMJ list.
Use your own best judgement.
Mike Gill, former regional director of public health for the South East England region, said, “This letter has emerged as [the education secretary] Gavin Williamson has announced the introduction of widespread testing in schools with the statement, ‘This expansion of testing into schools and colleges will ensure more certainty for children and parents and everyone working so hard in education.’
“Williamson’s statement was bad enough on its own, since it comes across as yet another egregious display of not being guided by science. The last thing anybody should be encouraged to entertain after an Innova test result, whether positive or negative, is certainty, let alone ‘more’ of it.
“Put alongside the very welcome position taken by Lord Bethell in his letter, it becomes impossible to use the word ‘coherent’ in the context of current government approaches to policy development and implementation.”
The BMJ did not receive a response to a request for clarification from Lord Bethell.
Use your own best judgement.
Mike Gill, former regional director of public health for the South East England region, said, “This letter has emerged as [the education secretary] Gavin Williamson has announced the introduction of widespread testing in schools with the statement, ‘This expansion of testing into schools and colleges will ensure more certainty for children and parents and everyone working so hard in education.’
“Williamson’s statement was bad enough on its own, since it comes across as yet another egregious display of not being guided by science. The last thing anybody should be encouraged to entertain after an Innova test result, whether positive or negative, is certainty, let alone ‘more’ of it.
“Put alongside the very welcome position taken by Lord Bethell in his letter, it becomes impossible to use the word ‘coherent’ in the context of current government approaches to policy development and implementation.”
The BMJ did not receive a response to a request for clarification from Lord Bethell.