France bans Brits travelling by air AND road

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Anyone else feel that this once great country is now being reduced to a pariah state thanks to the negligence of this Government?
I'm not a fan of them but think thats a bit strong. They've got a bum deal with coronovirus. I'm not sure anyone else would have done better.
Anyone else feel that this once great country is now being reduced to a pariah state thanks to the negligence of this Government?
No, I don't, I doubt anyone in Parliament could/would have done anything better.

How could anyone without previous experience.

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Nonsense. What political leader in their right mind wouldn't want to buy some time and delay the arrival of this new strain of Covid as long as possible in the hope that a vaccine roll out comes on line??

We were on the tunnel 09/01. I'll push it back now as far as I can and if necessary book a new crossing in Feb if allowed and safe.
I love an optimist,, BUSBY
It could well be a good thing people traveling around all over the place are bound to spread it around. Rumblings here one family are still having their London based children up for Christmas.
I have just given my Nephew a bit of grief for doing the same. London up to west Yorks
I have just watched the French TV news and many countries in mainland Europe are banning all travel including southern Ireland and yes it does include lorries and trains as well as airports, it comes into force at midnight European time i.e. 2300 hours UK time!

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It's too late, the new variant isn't that new, if it's in Wales having travelled from Kent, then France is a lot closer, they may have not identified the strain yet. A proper lockdown is needed, all places of education closed, churches,mosques closed, no spectators at events. To be honest I do despair at peoples inability to think for themselves
Having been stuck in a few French blockades I know the mayhem that can cause, but at least they could not blockade all ports and some stuff got through. Now all forms of travel are stopped, best unlock the gun safe and get ready to repel marauding gangs after the contents of my freezer.
Was not hard to think how to stop spread
Stop travel and each country kill it off
Sadly, while this seems to be a good idea it doesn’t stop transmission. You cannot make a perfect barrier. It takes just ONE person to get through and it starts again.

There’s a famous case in the US where a visitor from Europe attended a conference. The unique circumstances of the event and the genetic markers of the variant of the disease have allowed people to identify that from this one person 300,000 US citizens were infected.

If you want to read more, start here:

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I've read the EU are having a meeting tomorrow to agree a coordinated response. I suspect this will mean more countries excluding UK travellers. It may also decide how long it will last and/or what the conditions will need to be met for it to be lifted.

Fortunately, we are well stocked with wine and mince pies so should be OK for a couple of weeks. :)
Anyone else feel that this once great country is now being reduced to a pariah state thanks to the negligence of this Government?

Please keep the tribal stuff out of it, the internet is full of tweets and posts like this. take it elsewhere or you'll be restricted to motorhome only posts, thanks
If as reported there are lots of French people working in London...( Covid tier 99 )...... Perhaps THIS is why they want to stop travel from the UK. Nobody likes an Own goal. just a thought.
Tea Bag

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Please keep the tribal stuff out of it, the internet is full of tweets and posts like this. take it elsewhere or you'll be restricted to motorhome only posts, thanks
I have to say Jim that you appear to be very content with pro-government postings but unaccepting of anyone that questions their actions. Can you not see the irony of this in your 'no politics' directive? Not all that engage in this forum are right wingers - threatening to ban those that dare question our leaders is in my opinion highly political and therefore against the spirit of your rules.

No doubt this post will come across as confrontational which isn't the intention but sometimes the introduction of a little balance is I think necessary.
I have to say Jim that you appear to be very content with pro-government postings

Thanks for your help, can you point out and or report the pro Government postings in this thread before that one, and I'll deal with them all.

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