I think I'm probably being a bit alarmist, the viaduct isn't as high as I remember it. You should be able to see the bridge in the distance form this shot. But coming from Santander you will be on the side away form the sea so it shoudn't look too bad.Thanks DBK, we are planning on taking the ferry to Santander so if we turn left would it be advisable to go via Bilbao or carry on to San Sebastian and then take your suggested route to Valencia.
I will also have a look at Google street view to see what joys await me.
Thanks again, I really appreciate your advice.
This is the view from the bridge going eastwards. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@43.3...4!1sUtr8JtTsWSoLw3Hd4xglAA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656