I need to replace the leisure battery on our van and have been `reading the various posts to try and decide what to fit. Interestingly, the current battery is 110 Ah Lead Acid original battery fitted by Adria with a manufacturing date of 2010 and when I tested it last year was giving 50 Ah. Given that we are away in the van for anything up to 100 nights p.a. we have probably had pretty good value from the battery. I reckon we’ll be lucky to get 14 years out of the next one!
Having researched the options - Lithium/Gel/AGM - I concluded that Gel is the way to go for us and note that the Exide ES 900 seems to be favoured on the forum. I was about to press the button to order from Tayna when I noticed that it has a C Rating from NCC and only carries a 12m warranty which seems a bit mean compared to other brands. C rating seems to be for occasional/basic use whereas I was intending to go for an A rated battery more suited to off grid.
So, I wonder what Funsters views are and whether the NCC rating should carry any credence?
BTW. Seems like Infinite Solar still offer best price but are ‘out of stock’.
Having researched the options - Lithium/Gel/AGM - I concluded that Gel is the way to go for us and note that the Exide ES 900 seems to be favoured on the forum. I was about to press the button to order from Tayna when I noticed that it has a C Rating from NCC and only carries a 12m warranty which seems a bit mean compared to other brands. C rating seems to be for occasional/basic use whereas I was intending to go for an A rated battery more suited to off grid.
So, I wonder what Funsters views are and whether the NCC rating should carry any credence?
BTW. Seems like Infinite Solar still offer best price but are ‘out of stock’.