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I received a letter today from DVLA saying my application has been passed to the medical section - I am not sure why as I am only informing them of change of address and it c Ould take another few weeks to be returned......davejen I wish you good luck.
I applied on line on 10th May 2020 as I turned 70 on July 7th , if you insert your passport No you don't require a photo. I recieved acknowledgment they had recieved and it so waited for my replacement. Early July I phoned DVLA to ask what was going on and told not to worry , On 6th July letter arrived ( hurray my licence ) NO, NO, NO
It was my form that I'd sent them badly defaced, / torn I contacted them to be told by a cheeky git I must have damaged it, he sent me another form. I filled it in added a photo, gave my passport No and sent it off registered mail. Not recieved by DVLA so sent another application 1st class not recieved by DVLA .Finally got in touch with Catherine Parvin @ DVLA who sent me another form , I completed it enclosed a photo , passport No and had my ID authenticated by a Police Officer I sent it to Catherine who sent my renewed licence within 2 days early August . After many calls and E mails I received £4 worth of stamps from Royal Mail as I fought for compensation ( I'd spent £12.00 on photos and approx £4.00 on postage ) I complained again but got no reply , just starting to calm down when today I received a letter from DVLA ( my registered mail application ) returned even though it is stamped recieved by DVLA 8th July I dated it and posted it the 6th July reason for return my online application ( they send you a form to complete ) was not returned within 4 weeks, it was actually returned within 4 days in May ????
DVLA and Royal Mail make very good partnership, I have to renew my licence in 3 years time I'd better start applying now.
Best of luck to all funsters who at present have issues with DVLA
I think I will try to get in touch with Catherine Parvin and see if she can clarify what is going on.
Cheers, Dave