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In pedant-argumentative mode, does that not mean that as soon as one has changed ones puncture, one is them travelling illegally with unroadworthy spare, unless one leaves the thing at the side of the road (In which case one is certainly guilty of littering!) 

Silly, I know, and one thing in a car when you will be home later and can take it out an put in the garage until you drop it off at the, um, garage. But in the MH, when you might be away for weeks and unable to replace it, and have to store it somewhere....
I know, I know. It’s even less likely than being stopped and weighed. But there you have it! I am in no danger, as the Carthago doesn't have a spare, nor a place for one. I would like one, actually, but as it is up for sale, I don’t know which to buy yet.
To weigh in on the original question, I have a jack at each corner (And they will be going on the new MH) but would probably not have thought of it otherwise. I‘ve spent years being buffeted by a selection of adverse events, and no matter how well prepared I am, there is always something unexpected. I have a personal theory that no emergency you are prepared for will ever occur. I now stump up for the AA and travel insurance and expect them to come and sort it out. At least I can take a nap, power devices and have a freezer full of food to fall back on, even if I do have to wait three days (And yes, I always do travel with full and empty tanks as appropriate. See adverse event history!)

Silly, I know, and one thing in a car when you will be home later and can take it out an put in the garage until you drop it off at the, um, garage. But in the MH, when you might be away for weeks and unable to replace it, and have to store it somewhere....
I know, I know. It’s even less likely than being stopped and weighed. But there you have it! I am in no danger, as the Carthago doesn't have a spare, nor a place for one. I would like one, actually, but as it is up for sale, I don’t know which to buy yet.
To weigh in on the original question, I have a jack at each corner (And they will be going on the new MH) but would probably not have thought of it otherwise. I‘ve spent years being buffeted by a selection of adverse events, and no matter how well prepared I am, there is always something unexpected. I have a personal theory that no emergency you are prepared for will ever occur. I now stump up for the AA and travel insurance and expect them to come and sort it out. At least I can take a nap, power devices and have a freezer full of food to fall back on, even if I do have to wait three days (And yes, I always do travel with full and empty tanks as appropriate. See adverse event history!)