I’m not giving advice merely expressing an opinion that once one’s material needs are secured one should consider helping out kids, friends etc with lump sums which, if you survive 7 years after the gifts, are exempt transfers for tax purposes. I agree with MichelleRyall and her approach.My father in law died last year. His house was almost squalor like and he actually told my husband he had lived a frugal life to be able to pass on his inheritance. Wonderful as that was, he left us a huge inheritance but to see how he lived was pitiful and terribly sad. We are going to help our 3 children out with lump sums and then use the rest to improve our house and to travel in the motorhome as much as possible. Our children are completely behind us. One has bought her own T5 and converted it. I have lost a few friends and colleagues over the last few years and it makes you appreciate what you have. A friend said to me recently….we should have a bank of memories not a bank of money. How right he is.
Let’s hope there’s something left of the world for those following us to enjoy. We at least have the memories.