Good morning people. If anyone is interested, how about making it possible for anyone who is mobile, a motor homer, caravan type or just those to travel a lot, be equipped with some of this ANPR and recognition kit. The Police and Local councils have this stuff to monitor and control, anyone with a vehicle, and we pay for that in our taxes. Just like a dash camera, if we normal and regular travellers have this equipment, then we can tour anywhere and be automatically on the look out for stolen vehicles of any type. We don't need the bits of programming that tell us if a vehicle has an up to date MOT, INSURANCE or anything else, what we need to know is if the vehicle is reported as stolen or subject to an urgent enquiry. If we have such units, then they can report automatically to the proper authorities, hopefully the police, where it is and whether it's moving or abandoned.
Those units we are encouraged to install by insurance companies, are just trackers and can be defeated. If we have such a unit as I'm describing, that also can probably be defeated, but not quickly or completely. It can't be a surprise that we need to look after our own interests, regardless of whatever authority might want to say or do, so we'll get on and do it, our way.
If nasty type want to ride around on motor scooters and snatch mobile phones off people in the street, we can do our share to stop that sort of thing as well. We have those who cut down poles with speed cameras, low emition zone cameras and other detector devices. When are we going to get those AI and automatic detectors which measure how much noise a vehicle makes going past, or those that give out minor amounts of CO2 which might be just above any legal limit. Facial Recognition is already out and about on our streets, who does that report to. If we are out of the country, how long will it be until some one comes up with a system to track and report on our movements, such that an unpaid parking fine, awarded by a company, not an authority, results in immediate trouble when returned to this country.
Rant over for the moment, time for more tea and a sticky bun. Martin 28042024 1101
No! Try the date and time. Could be Air Force, but not ours.Is that army number ?