I took you up on your kind & generous offer for the trial subscription, and have just noticed that you have activated my account, for which I thank you kindly.
I would like to express my sadness at the death of the DIY-Motorhome Forum and my regret that some apparently egotistical and/or selfish members there have caused you to close it for reasons which I fully understand.
I had no idea all that unnecessary krap was going on in the background, and in your place, I would almost certainly have done the same or similar.
..... However, please note that your generous efforts for DIY-Motorhome WERE very much appreciated by many users, myself included.
Also, I was very sorry to read about your kids, and I offer my sincere wishes for their speedy recovery ... Family is more important than anything else in life !!
Many Thanks and Best Regards
Bob (aka Bobbejaan)