hello everyone ,I’m at my wits end ! I’ve bought a new to me 2008 Ducato 130 CI mizar motorhome , with an after market alarm. The buzzing noise is constant , I’ve checked everything, door contacts, hab step (there isn’t one) everything works fine, drives well etc, I’ve traced the fuse to the radio/windows/alarm so can pull this but non of these will work . Trouble is the tone of the buzzing seems like it’s coming from the cab but my ears can’t seem to locate it. I’ve fitted a new radio so had 1/2 the dash out and couldn’t find anything , I’ve disconnected the battery for an hour, also the alarm siren and still no joy. I’m ready to throw the towel in and get an auto electrician involved but don’t want to admit defeat! I’m really hoping someone has had this issue and knows what it is
thanks in advance
thanks in advance