Free Member
We have been full time for five years. After the March lock down when we were told to leave the Littlehampton club site we had nowhere to go other than just parking in the street. That was not an issue but with the network shut down you then have the water and waste issue to deal with along with law enforcement telling you to go hone. Pointing out that the van is your hone us no good. They just say move on. The CMC then did allow full timers to stay on sites but those who were kicked off already could not return so we were the nomad class. It’s funny how narrowboat owners living full time on the water were not told to return to bricks and mortar. We got through the last lock down with the great weather we had. Saw this one coming and had guessed the CMC would again duck out in support of full timers so we have rented a flat till the spring. The CMC is only fir tourists real campsites who support full timers are the networks fir the future