Campsite Toilets

Being an ex publican I can honestly say the ladies were always the worst after a busy night.
Walking round Rutland water saw a portable loo cubicle with huge water tank next to it.
What a good idea....
The water tank had obviously been empty for some time but it appeared that didn’t stop folk using it.
Quite how they balanced above the piles escapes me.
Welcome from Cirencester! (y)
(Which site was it…..?:unsure:)
Thank you. Cirencester Park, Stroud Road. Lovely site and well laid out as all CAMC sites we have ever stayed at are. Staff were very helpful and nice!
When you reach a certain age (old), you finally understand something about people. Once upon a time you believed that the vast majority of people were good, had high standards and were considerate to others. This was sometimes spoiled by a minority. Then the realisation hits you, the reverse is the truth, the good, considerate well mannered are the minority, the majority include those criticised in the OP, the people who litter, the people who do not clear up their dog mess to mention a few. I'm sure you can add to this list, its endless, its also pointless trying to "educate" people, they don't care. I believe the pandemic has highlighted this, has reinforced my realisation about people.
Speaking with some experience, last 11 years on and off working on campsites I can safely say humans are disgusting.
Read this thread last night before heading out to do the 10pm last clean of two blocks and pretty much every toilet left in a way that I'd be embarrassed to leave it that way.

Mens far worse, can only say that it's because at home their poor wives follow behind them and their kids cleaning up after them.

I can happily provide photo evidence each day if required.

Just about to head out for first clean of the day and can guarantee what I'm going to find.

Least I'm not of delicate nature.

Regards, loo cleaner Shawn
Weird taking photos but if that's your bag so be it

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Weird taking photos but if that's your bag so be it
The photo comment was obviously said jokingly. But most people when you say that someone has s**t in the shower or left it up the wall will say they don't believe people would do that. I'm afraid they do.

Not on this site but previous site I worked on we needed to take photos of accommodation left in a disgusting condition to use as proof for when we charged extra for additional cleaning. They would normally say we'd never have left it like that.....

The photo comment was obviously said jokingly. But most people when you say that someone has s**t in the shower or left it up the wall will say they don't believe people would do that. I'm afraid they do.

Not on this site but previous site I worked on we needed to take photos of accommodation left in a disgusting condition to use as proof for when we charged extra for additional cleaning. They would normally say we'd never have left it like that.....

And in another thread they say they would rather use camp toilets than their own in the van.
A couple of weeks ago, on the Ayr C&MC site I had just emptied the cassette when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was the Warden who said, “Well done, thanks”.

On querying what he meant he said that he had heard me using the hose to clean down the “funnel” after emptying the cassette. When I expressed surprise that not everyone did clean it down he laughed and said “you’d be surprised. “:oops:

What is wrong with people?
One evening with guests visiting, without a word one chap got up and went straight to the toilet. He had not long been a Motorhomer. Should we have explained to him about etiquette?
Doing a trip in Ireland, we stopped off at a leisure centre which has a MH service point and allowed overnight stays in it’s car park. Our cassette was full so I wondered over to the pillar and flipped open the black waste hatch…wish I hadn’t.

looked like a combination of never being emptied if it were a cess pit type or being severely blocked. Had I been paying attention when I walked over to it I would have realised.

so back to the van with a full cassette, off to find a bar for the loo and got the emergency pee bottles out! (…back at the van i hasten to add, not the bar!). In the morning, the leisure centre opened and they allowed us to use their toilets and even the showers if we wanted to for a small donation.

it really looked as if the attitude was ‘it’s full / blocked, but it’s the emptying point so I’m going to empty my crap anyway). Yuck,,

I can sort of see why people would do it in that situation, no excuse, and it’s more than a little bit gross.

as for campsites and the toilet disposal points, yes, I have seen quite a few (this country has it’s fair share) where the surrounds are ‘adorned’ with decorations that could have easily been washed down.

maybe it’s denial for some…don’t like the poo and wee bit, we don’t do that, need to get rid as quickly as possible and walk away la la la…or maybe it’s a hygiene think of ‘I‘ll die if I touch anything hosepipe like in that area’ or the attitude of ‘I really don’t care about anyone else…’

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Just went to empty my chemical toilet at a very nice campsite in North Walsham to find that a previous user had emptied their cassette which had been full of stale urine but not used blue stuff or anything else, not only down the chemi toilet but all over the floor. They had not cleaned up after them and you could smell the little room yards away. I cleaned it before I left but I am astounded by what people leave behind.
I’m sort of hoping (probably in vain) that all the people who have read the various posts on this thread, that maybe some of them are the culprits who leave a mess behind wherever they go, and will from now on improve their standards. Toilets, showers, hand basins, grey waste points, chemical toilet disposal points, dish washing area etc should all be left in a clean and tidy condition.…it’s not rocket science! I’m sure even the culprits are disgusted if they come across ‘mess’ that other people leave behind, so why do they then do the same? Totally beyond me as to why….
Just stayed at a very nice CAMC site near Cirencester. First time I had seen a sign to close the toilet lid before flushing. Ok, fine, but do lift the lid after flushing and check that the bowl and seat etc are clean and you haven’t left any of your waste to be discovered by the next person using that particular toilet. If the toilet is not clean, then clean it! All the toilet cubicles had toilet brushes.

What is it with some people that they don’t check that they have left the toilet nice and clean, as I’m sure they would like to find it. The toilet cubicle I went in to had poo covering the rear of the bowl. This is just not acceptable, if you make a mess, then dam well clean it up. What are these people’s homes like, I dread to think! I feel so sorry for site staff on their cleaning round, who I’m sure have to put up with this every day.
I have a loo and shower in my motorhome this why I use it and not site loo and shower
I’m sort of hoping (probably in vain) that all the people who have read the various posts on this thread, that maybe some of them are the culprits who leave a mess behind wherever they go, and will from now on improve their standards. Toilets, showers, hand basins, grey waste points, chemical toilet disposal points, dish washing area etc should all be left in a clean and tidy condition.…it’s not rocket science! I’m sure even the culprits are disgusted if they come across ‘mess’ that other people leave behind, so why do they then do the same? Totally beyond me as to why….
I've posted this before; Toilets sign at Turner's Farm Campsite, South Australia when we stayed 6 years ago: 'Before You Flush, Check to See If It Needs A Brush!' ... Classic K.I.S.S.!

Being an ex publican I can honestly say the ladies were always the worst after a busy night.

Yep. Although Monday night's 'perfomances' in our bar were spectacular:

Visitor one use the cubicle in the gents, finds that the flush is broken, leaves without telling us.
Visitor two repeats that.
So does visitor three.

Fortunately we then close. Staff go in to clean and find what could be described as the worlds worst lasagne.

Some people are just horrible.

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I desperately try not to use public facilities of ant kind, but if I have to on a camp site, I find out when they are being cleaned and queue if necessary to be the first in knowing it will be spotless'ish. Cant beat a good mh bathroom.
Different views on this clearly and both valid. When site loos and showers are available we use those. You’ve paid for them in your site fee so why not use them IF CONVENIENT. Ditto showers. Obviously the more you use your own facilities the more work you give yourself! Each to their own however. Re loo cleanliness, yes always beyond me why people think it perfectly acceptable to leave a dirty loo for the next person. This really boils down to basic consideration for other people.
I suspect that the sign is Covid related.

The virus may be transmitted through faeces. See :-

So by closing the lid you're reducing the aerosol in the area surrounding the toilet bowl - and thus reducing transmission the other people.

See this too:-
It may be covid related , however it is well know, or should be , that even the most modern of flush toilets can spray an unseen mist up into the air when flushed which is a mixture of the flushing water and whatever was in the bowl, urine, poo and accompanying bugs. Good reason to close the lid before flushing and not leaving your toothbrush anywhere near.
I have a loo and shower in my motorhome this why I use it and not site loo and shower
Thats great. We use both site facilities and our own….to each their own. So if you are in a local pub, restaurant, supermarket etc and you need the loo, do you rush back to your Motorhome? If for example you do use the restaurant loo, I’m sure you expect to find it clean and tidy and leave it clean and tidy after you have used it.
Thats great. We use both site facilities and our own….to each their own. So if you are in a local pub, restaurant, supermarket etc and you need the loo, do you rush back to your Motorhome? If for example you do use the restaurant loo, I’m sure you expect to find it clean and tidy and leave it clean and tidy after you have used it.
If I were in a restaurant I would not have to tramp across a field to go to the loo

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Yep. Although Monday night's 'perfomances' in our bar were spectacular:

Visitor one use the cubicle in the gents, finds that the flush is broken, leaves without telling us.
Visitor two repeats that.
So does visitor three.

Fortunately we then close. Staff go in to clean and find what could be described as the worlds worst lasagne.

Some people are just horrible.
Could do with a ‘like’ emoji throwing up!
Humans are animals and many have poor cleanliness and washing routines.

There is no excuse for not clearing up after oneself and no excuse for not washing hands after visiting the Lavatory

Even though we are double vaccinated This is one reason we are not using campsite facilities and still using masks and keeping distance as Covid is not over the current death rate is higher than this time last year.
It may be covid related , however it is well know, or should be , that even the most modern of flush toilets can spray an unseen mist up into the air when flushed which is a mixture of the flushing water and whatever was in the bowl, urine, poo and accompanying bugs. Good reason to close the lid before flushing and not leaving your toothbrush anywhere near.
It has a delightful name, "faecal flume". Closing the lid is definitely sensible.
It has a delightful name, "faecal flume". Closing the lid is definitely sensible.
Opening the flap of a pressurised cassette brings home the true meaning of faecal flume 🤮.

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Opening the flap of a pressurised cassette brings home the true meaning of faecal flume 🤮.
Opening the flap of a pressurised cassette brings home the true meaning of faecal flume 🤮.
Is the technical term, 'When the sh*t hits the fan'? 🤭

It may be covid related , however it is well know, or should be , that even the most modern of flush toilets can spray an unseen mist up into the air when flushed which is a mixture of the flushing water and whatever was in the bowl, urine, poo and accompanying bugs. Good reason to close the lid before flushing and not leaving your toothbrush anywhere near.
Of course the instruction to close the lid prior to flushing is a charter for those less concerned with maintaining a clean toilet to just close the lid and walk.
When you reach a certain age (old), you finally understand something about people. Once upon a time you believed that the vast majority of people were good, had high standards and were considerate to others. This was sometimes spoiled by a minority. Then the realisation hits you, the reverse is the truth, the good, considerate well mannered are the minority, the majority include those criticised in the OP, the people who litter, the people who do not clear up their dog mess to mention a few. I'm sure you can add to this list, its endless, its also pointless trying to "educate" people, they don't care. I believe the pandemic has highlighted this, has reinforced my realisation about people.
As a fellow certain ager I think I see it differently, back in the time of our youth, most people 'were good, had high standards and were considerate to others;; nowadays 'the reverse is the truth, the good, considerate well mannered are the minority, the majority include those criticised in the OP, the people who litter, the people who do not clear up their dog mess to mention a few. I'm sure you can add to this list, its endless, its also pointless trying to "educate" people, they don't care.' so it may not but just a function of age but a change in culture??
As a fellow certain ager I think I see it differently, back in the time of our youth, most people 'were good, had high standards and were considerate to others;; nowadays 'the reverse is the truth, the good, considerate well mannered are the minority, the majority include those criticised in the OP, the people who litter, the people who do not clear up their dog mess to mention a few. I'm sure you can add to this list, its endless, its also pointless trying to "educate" people, they don't care.' so it may not but just a function of age but a change in culture??
Interesting comments, I recall being careful when out at night just in case I got 'jumped' and beaten for a laugh, being careful when I left a night club, there was often some agro going on Bouncers bouncing people out of the club. the clubs I went to you dressed smart casual I made this mistake when I went to the Cat's Whiskers in Catford, I should add I have never lived in London ( I live north of the river in deepest Essex there's only swamps and monsters south of the Thames ;) ) I noticed that the clientele were Casual but not smartly dressed, during the evening I felt the odd peanut being flicked in my direction so I thought it was time to leave, as I did so, a Burger hit the back of my jacket....I carried on walking at the same pace ignoring what had happened, I think I had a lucky escape.

Like any town there are places to go and not go at night. I am not saying my school was tough but it was rough, a teacher had a Javelin stuffed in to his Achilles another was shot at with an air gun and another had pallet knives chucked at him , it was rough back then and rough now my guess people are more mobile easier access to drink drugs etc. I reckon my School class was 60/40 60% carried on and had run ins with the law and many sent to Jail 40% of us kept on the straight and narrow, I could be wrong but that is my experience of school and late teens.
Different views on this clearly and both valid. When site loos and showers are available we use those. You’ve paid for them in your site fee so why not use them IF CONVENIENT. Ditto showers. Obviously the more you use your own facilities the more work you give yourself! Each to their own however. Re loo cleanliness, yes always beyond me why people think it perfectly acceptable to leave a dirty loo for the next person. This really boils down to basic consideration for other people.
And very few bother to wash their hands.That was bad enough pre Covid but I cannot for the life of me believe it now...I use every opportunity to wash my hands,,BUSBY.

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