Free Member
We have been members of the C.C for over 30 years and have never regretted a penny we have spent on membership or site fees.Over the years we have been involved with our local centre and have run many rallys and attended hundreds both with our own centre and others.We have made many friends throughout the country whom we still see from time to time. We were both on the centre committee for a number of years and I was cemtre chairman for a coupleof those years. We still use the club sites on a regular basis and also use their services like insurance etc. O.K so the club makes a profit, but there are no grey suited men sitting in ivory towers rubbing their hands together, even the chairman has a full time job besides attending many many functions, rallys , shows etc on behalf of the club. So a lot of you think the club is not worth it, well each to their own, but 388,000 members must be awfully wrong compared to the few of you on this site who keep bemoaning the club. So go off and do your wild camping, sometimes to the detriment of others and leave the rest of us to enjoy ourselves on well organised events such as centre rallies and well kept sites.