All good sound advice - thanks!Before incurring extra expense, there's a bit if low hanging fruit worth checking off.
As mentioned earlier, have a listen out y the front wheel, pulley side, for the ac clutch engaging when someone else turns it on with the engine ticking over. Usually the revs dip a bit, before the ecu compensates. If you don't hear it, check the fuse (on ours it's in the box under the bonnet, but check your chassis manual). If the fuse has gone then change it.
If you've got the "auto" ie climate control ac version, just check the outside temperature shown on the dashboard. If the sensor in the wing mirror is duff the outside temp reading may be showing as too low, and the ac will not turn on.
If you hear the clutch engage, but the revs don't dip, check the compressor fan belt is still there.
If you've got good Obd2 software you may see a code on one of the body computers, which will help.
If all that's OK reach for wallet...
Although haven't got any OBD2 software, will try to check your other suggestions.
We should be settled for a few days later today, so some further investigation is on the cards...