We have a Buttner Ladebooster on our van so basically a B2B with a German name, a few months ago we had the alternator pack up and it was replaced, I thought all was now OK but today parking in the shed so all on Rickover I smelt hot electrics again and a quick check revealed a very hot alternator.
Basically the question is should the alternator be supplying the maximum amps of the B2B/Ladebooster on tickover in our case that is 70 or 90 amps depending on the dip switch settings, it was 90 but I knocked it down to 70 max to try to protect the new alternator which by the way is 220 amps so not exactly running flat out, oh the heated seat was on as well
Basically the question is should the alternator be supplying the maximum amps of the B2B/Ladebooster on tickover in our case that is 70 or 90 amps depending on the dip switch settings, it was 90 but I knocked it down to 70 max to try to protect the new alternator which by the way is 220 amps so not exactly running flat out, oh the heated seat was on as well