No sorry I have not mis-read it. The key words are N’ont pas d’incidence which means Do not affect (the calculation of the total height):I believe that you have mis-read the link you gave us as the translation says this "
- Loading on the roof of a vehicle or trailer
- Accessories, such as: aerials, roof boxes or bars, flashing lights, taxi signs, satellite dishes, skylights, solar panels. Affect the calculation of the total height: - Items added to the basic vehicle, such as: habitable cells, air conditioners, refrigeration units.
N’ont pas d’incidence sur le calcul de la hauteur totale :
(Do not affect the calculation of the total height

Les accessoires, tels que : antennes, coffres ou barres de toit, revolving lights, taxi signs, satellite dishes, skylights, solar panels, gyrophares, enseignes taxi, paraboles, lanternaux, panneaux solai
(- Accessories, such as: aerials, boxes or roof bars, revolving lights, taxi signs, satellite dishes, skylights, solar panels)
This has been well covered in earlier threads. Let's not create a problem where there isn't one.