Athens via the Balkans & Back in 99Days

Thought my previous post went yesterday, but it didn't for some technical reason that is beyond me, like pressing the post reply button.

Anyway more to send you to sleep:

Fri 10 April
A week gone already since we went on our shopping trip, time really does fly.

Went out for our morning walk and as I think I have said before try to go a different way, but I don’t know how much longer that will last, Saliste isn’t that big.

As we climbed the hill of Strada Catanas we came upon a plot of land for sale (Casa Vanzare in Romanian). No one will build in front of these views:
282 Fri 10 Apr.JPG

283 Fri 10 Apr.JPG

Spent the rest of the day lazing again in the sun, forecast good again for tomorrow, but Sunday, Monday not so good.

Sat 11 April

Terry has a yoga session online today, so I go out walking alone. I decide on a good steady walk to the next village of Vale that we have been to before. But I want to get further than last time, so I step it out a bit and I did achieve in seeing more. Not that inspiring but always interesting, a lovely pave blocked 300 yards of road/footpath leading from the main road to the Primarie (Town Hall(where flag is displayed)) and then after the Primarie nothing.

286 Sat 11 Apr.JPG

287 Sat 11 Apr.JPG

On the walk back saw the start of some decorations for the Easter celebration.

289 Sat 11 Apr.JPG

Sunday 12 April

Went out for our walk, but today only to the supermarket and back as I wanted to partake in my church’s streamed Easter Sunday Mass on Face Book. After which, more of that sunshine.

Oh yes and Rudi and Ella provided us with an Easter feast, hard boiled eggs (Romanian Tradition), a pasta and meat main dish, and as a side rolled out chicken fritter coated in egg and fried. For dessert slices of local cake chocolate and coconut, it was all fantastic. A good end to a day in the sunshine.

Monday 13 April

Normal day walking and sunning, late afternoon Rudi tells me that another camper is arriving some Dutch people husband and wife who have been camping for 5 weeks in the north of Romania because of the Lockdown but are now making their way back to Holland. We are obviously interested as they have to negotiate transit through Hungary, they have some paper from the Dutch Embassy explaining this.

I speak with the husband and he says that yes, they have a paper from Dutch Embassy in Bucharest, he asks why we don’t and all I can say is because the UK embassy haven’t suggested that this is possible. He did say that he was quite happy in Romania, but his wife wants to go back. I will have to make further enquiries, if we decide we want to move on towards the UK.

Tuesday 14 April/Wed 15 April

Tuesday morning and our fellow campers have moved on. We go out for usual walks and enjoying the sun in the afternoon. Spend a lot of time reading during the day, watching Rudi doing all the jobs that people in lock down are doing all over the world. Whilst all my jobs will so ‘T’ says still waiting for me when I do get home.

Read on Tuesday that the Romanian Minister of the Interior has agreed with the church that on Easter night, police will help people to attend church and light the holy light of Easter as is the Orthodox Church custom and also over the Easter weekend will be assisted to take blessed bread (bread splashed with holy water and wine known as Prescuri or pasti). Well our immediate thoughts were oh no after such restraint it looks like they are going to blow it.

On further reading the President was not a happy bunny. He slammed the agreement as being irresponsible after such good work had been undertaken by the majority of Romanians in respecting the lockdown restrictions imposed and he was to take part in a meeting that afternoon with said Minister and Prime Minister and review the agreement.

Well thank goodness sense prevailed and a complete ‘Uturn’ was put in place, no Holy Fire on Easter Thursday and no blessed bread on Sat or Sun by going to Church. Church representative were not happy, but surely it makes sense and will save lives.

The compromise is that church representatives and volunteers will go door to door to bring the Holy Fire and Blessed Bread to those who want it. Safer than the original decision we are sure.

We are going shopping to the Auchan in Sibiu again on Saturday and decided in order to avoid 20 minutes getting the Rovinetta at the post office on Saturday we would get it on Wed. So off we go to the Post Office where we got the last one, the staff there told us to go to the supermarket, we have no idea why (cos we doh spak the language (Tipton Speak)) except that the supermarket does advertise the sale of Rovinetta. Big discussion in the supermarket (between the staff) we only asked ‘Rovinetta’ and then they pointed up the town and said something incomprehensible to us, but we got the idea another shop in the town.

We had seen another shop advertising the sale but couldn’t remember where it was and now our time allowed out was running down. Three shops later we hit the right place and obtained the elusive Rovinetta, all set for Sibiu. What a performance, Rudi had no idea why we had experienced the problems. Got back without breaching the rules.

Well all for now, waiting to see if the Dutch people got into Hungary, when they got to the border.

Take Care and stay safe.
Hungary allows traffic from Romania, strictly for border workers, workers that are near the border commuting with a special cert from employer, charter groups agreed in advance by ministers on both sides and even lorries with supplies need to undergo medical checks. Some two days before allowed to transit. Some change drivers at border to continue the journey. The worst restrictions are at Hungary borders. I really doubt they will allow transit without the 14d quarantine and needs to be a agreement between countries. Few days ago tens of thousands of Romanians remained blocked between Austrian Hungarian border on the way home. After running out of food, sanitation and water, It took a minister from Bucharest to go to Budapest and make a deal to allow transit. Austria would not allow them back in. In the end they ended up with a corridor escorted from border to border.
It sounds to me , although I don’t know much,that you may be better staying put.
you should be ok health wise if you don’t come into contact with the virus where you are. Maybe sit it out till borders reopen ?
Germany and Italy are both showing signs of reopening some things.
Difficult decision , but you don’t want to get stuck somewhere that isn’t as safe as you are now with no facilities etc.
I'd also like your info on insurance for Albania, Montenegro etc as I enquired last year as my insurance provider doesnt cover them ....they suggested buying at the borders but not sure about that

Will follow with interest as greece and croatia are certainly possibilities for me next winter
border insurance for Montenegro is approx 15€ and Albania is 40€ that was the price I paid last September
Oh yes my insurers have been in touch to offer me a refund on the green cards purchased for Bosnia and Montenegro asking if I had travelled or was still in UK, told them our circs and not going to use green cards and they said Okay when you get home return green cards via post and they will refund cost, not the admin fee just the costs.

Things are looking up.

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Well a standard response from a UK central consular service, not answering any specific question asked. Like is it possible to transit through Hungary? Reply states to do everything we have done so far and just look at the updates, not a lot of use. But if the weather stays like this more than happy to hang out here.
Really for the assistance these places give it isn't worth having them.
Thurs 16 April

A few cars going past making loudspeaker announcements about staying indoors during the Easter period (Rudi told us).

On our walk this morning we saw that Saliste main road island has been decorated with the Easter Bunny and some eggs:

292 Thurs 16 Apr Easter Celebration Bunnies.JPG

Dog Lovers you may not like what is to follow:

On our walks we come across a lot of dogs mostly hidden from view by large wrought iron gates covered so as passers-by cannot see in to the gardens, not the gate we know in the UK but large double gates that enter on to the gardens of the houses. They (the dogs) are all very vociferous as we walk by.

About a week or so ago we were walking by property that had a garden alongside it, no gate just a see through fence. The dog was chained up but on seeing us launched itself down the garden at the speed of light, only for it to run out of lead halfway down towards the fence. At which point the dog flies up in the air all legs off the ground and is pulled backwards so that it does a somersault lands on the ground, immediately stands up and continues to bark at us.

Well we both like dogs but it to me was really like the dog version of the Key Stone Cops hilarious. Have been back that way twice now trying to get him on video first time only got the roof of a car and the second time you couldn’t see him because of the lighting, may have better luck in the future.

Hope I haven’t offended any dog friendly people, but it was funny.

Rudi had a call from our fellow campers, they did get into Hungary, with whatever paper they had. They have stopped at a friend’s place on route through Hungary, Rudi thought that maybe they should have travelled straight through. But once you are in, I suppose they can’t really track where you go.

Raul what do you think?

Well if things/borders don’t open after 14/15 May then it will have to be a call to the Embassy, have decided we are staying put until then.

Friday 17 April

Out by about 11:40am this morning and back with seconds to spare before 1pm deadline and did a little over a 4mile walk, lovely sunshine and a good day spent by both of us sitting outside in the now glorious sun. Both of us reading me a Cormoran Strike novel and ‘T’ ‘Shamed’.

Another day goes by, they are beginning to roll into each other, dare I say it Groundhog Day. That said you don’t get views like these everyday (well if you live in Saliste maybe you do).

295 Mountain views from Saliste.JPG

Shopping again tomorrow, another adventure, but will we get there and back in our 2 hour slot?

Saturday 18 April

Out on time this morning, got to the supermarket just before 11:30am. But as I am sure most of you know shopping for goods that are not labelled in English is more difficult than usual and takes time (using google translate). Also, we are shopping for a little more than 2 weeks supplies (food and drink), plenty of the latter and you can’t find anything as you don’t use the supermarket every week and have no idea were things are.

So once again we failed to return within the time allowed, 1.40pm when we got back, but we are in our mobile home. Do you think the police would accept that? I’m not sure, but as soon as the language problem kicked in I think they would say ‘Go Home’ to the campsite.

Sunday 19 April

50 mins walk this morning as I wanted to join in with streamed mass from my Church. Rudi’s wife has cooked for us again as it is their Easter today. Decorated hard boiled eggs, more lovely cake(s), a small lamb stew and 2 small lamb joints. Cake was great and the eggs, the rest is for this evening.

We sat out for a short while, weather was cloudy but very warn, then a little rain and now more clouds but again warm, I might sit outside again and read.

Well that’s it for now, take care all of you and no risk taking.

Dennis & Terry
Looks like you becoming locals there.
Weather is getting warmer by the day.

The 14th of may is when the state emergency expires I think. We hope, some restrictions will be lifted by then. The borders will probably still have some restrictions.But as other countries are keep opening up, its encouraging others to do the same. Infection rate is low, a lot lower than predicted by Easter. The lockdown really worked and there is already pressure to start opening certain things. Hopefully by then we will be allowed to travel, my wife she’s started to feel this lock down, we usually never stay put for to long.
We will have to wait and see.
Hi Raul

We do say Buna Ziua to all the locals, who all acknowledge us. We are keeping our eyes open to any developments, but as you say I think it will stay as it is until end of State of Emergency. If they extend it I am going to call both the Romanian and Hungarian British Embassies and get something from them so we can travel back via Hungary.

That's the plan, but the best laid plans don't always work.

Take Care

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So here is our weekly update, no changes we are still in good health and enjoying our lockdown. 5.10pm Sat and just been handed a lovely cold glass of Rose.

Monday 20 April

A bit cloudy as we went out for our walk just on 12 o’clock, stepped it out a bit and took a route we haven’t been. Amazingly bought us out where I thought it might. More dogs on route behind gates, one practising for the Olympic high vault fortunately the gate was seven feet high and the dog taking a running leap at it could only manage five feet six, thank goodness.

Did manage to get a photo of the old railway truck, seen in lots of the early comedy films, with two men using the handle to propel it along the tracks. Buster Keaton and Laurel and Hardy spring to mind. With the Saliste Town Hall in the background. But when I came to look at it had my finger blocking most of it out, must try harder.

Took this picture on Thursday
296 20 April Buster Keaton Railway Truck and Town Hall.JPG

Thank goodness for the internet and radio 2 during the afternoon when it isn’t quite warm enough to sit outside.

Tuesday 21 April & Wed 22 April rolled into one, walking and shopping and sitting in the sun not too bad a life is it.

Thurs 23 April

Today ventured to a part of Saliste, that we have not seen yet. Up on the hill looking from the campsite we have been able to see a church that is not that far away. But we could not work out how to get there and presumed it was another small village.

When we have been out walking, we have on numerous occasions walked by a sign to Biserica din Gruia, a church. So today we thought yes, let us go and have a look. So, we walked up a long hill and then the road bent round sharp left and up another hill. Because the road bends round to the left as you walk along it and reach the church you come out looking down towards the campsite, so we discovered The Gruia Church of 'The Nativity of John the Baptist’ a lovely place and so well kept and looked after.

297 23 April  The Gruia Church of 'The Nativity of John the Baptist.JPG

299 Churchyard of The Gruia Church of 'The Nativity of John the Baptist.JPG

Look at that background for a resting place.
Our highlight of the day, then back to sitting in the sunshine, thank goodness it’s not raining.

Fri 24 April

Up and out today smack on 11am heading for a town Tilisca where the area of Cetate Dacica is (the rolling hills, great walking country) about 4km away and the ruins of a historic Dacian Fortress. Walk was good, walked through the village of Gales and then reached Tilisca, much more of a rural feel to them as opposed to the town feeling of Saliste. Walked around Tilisca, but never made the Fortress as we had run out of time to get back.

306 Tilisca.JPG

View of farming land from road back to Saliste from Tilisca.
309 Farming Land on Road from Tilisca.JPG

On the walk back ‘T’ says we should have got the electric bikes out, hindsight is fantastic we both ended up with a blister each and arrived back with 5 minutes to spare. The afternoon as you have guessed was spent either in the sun or playing games.

I’ve looked at the pictures of the Fortress and we didn’t miss much and we will not be getting the bikes out.

I cooked a pork vindaloo for our evening meal, it lived up to its name phew. During the evenings we have been watching Netflix’s, films and series we have downloaded. Nearly up to date with The Crown, have started watching Suits and a few good true story films.

Sat 25 April

‘T’ was on her fortnightly yoga group this morning, so out alone for a walk. Out for just under an hour, during which did a little shopping got some lovely looking strawberries, they taste good as well. Did nearly two and half miles so not too bad for the time out and shopping. Got back and prepared the strawberries sitting in the sun, a bit of cloud and a cool wind every so often. Have reviewed all the usual suspects FCO advice, nothing new. Done all the social media sites for the same and again nothing new, so still on hold.

All for this week, dare I say I could almost copy and paste this for next weeks update, but so could all of you as well I dare say.

Once again take care and stay safe. No Risk taking.
Its been announced that free travel resumes on the 15th of may, including opening the borders. No more self declaration for essentials travel. Some low cost airlines will start operating well before that. The big factory Dacia/Renault will open at the beginning of month. Lots will start opening from may. Some social distancing, wearing a mask in public closed space and no gatherings will still be restricted. Hopefully Hungary will allow transit by then. There’s been more opening traffic with the Hungarian border in the last few days. You may fancy a trip towards Bucovina, you know you want to. In Blighty is still a lockdown by then. Just saying.
I have to congratulate you on your fortitude and positive attitude to your circumstances. Being confined to such a small space (the motorhome) in a remote village/town where you know no-one, don't speak the same language and at a time of great uncertainty - all these circumstances would be hard to bear for many people. You should be proud of yourselves.
I also have to say that I have enjoyed your accounts and the photographs. You have brought back happy memories of the six months we spent touring eastern Europe in 2010. In fact, as I type, my husband has retrieved all our photos of Romania and we are going to go for a trip down memory lane. Thank you.
I have to congratulate you on your fortitude and positive attitude to your circumstances. Being confined to such a small space (the motorhome) in a remote village/town where you know no-one, don't speak the same language and at a time of great uncertainty - all these circumstances would be hard to bear for many people. You should be proud of yourselves.
I also have to say that I have enjoyed your accounts and the photographs. You have brought back happy memories of the six months we spent touring eastern Europe in 2010. In fact, as I type, my husband has retrieved all our photos of Romania and we are going to go for a trip down memory lane. Thank you.
Thank you for all your news and updates., and particularly for the photos. You make it sound and look so interesting.
Well done for keeping going and staying optimistic.

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Hi All

Thank you for your lovely comments and KiwiKampers hope you enjoy your trip down memory lane.

The thing with Optimism is they can never get you down. You can guarantee someone will try now I've said it.

:sun::sun: The sun is always shining.
Sun 26 April

Out early today as I want/need to be back for Facebook appointment Sunday morning mass, after which tried to sit out but to much cloud cover so came in and trawled the internet for any updates from any of the countries we need to travel through to get home. Nothing much to get excited about, so we played a couple of games and that was our day.

Mon 27 April

3.7mile walk this morning/afternoon in lovely sunshine, went close to, but avoided the small Saliste Monday market. Visited local supermarket masked up to go in now and have been so for about a week or more, bread, biscuits and chocolate all very essential items. It’s looking like they are going to relax restrictions at the end of this current State of Emergency, so watch this space. Then we relaxed in the sunshine for the rest of the day listen to radio 2. Took a video of the local transport, horse and cart, good video but can't load it here.

Tue 28 April

10.15am Rudi has come to us with some information he has from the TV news, that tips our routine on its head. Yesterday the government relaxed the restrictions on over 65’s. Now we can go out from 7am (don’t be ridiculous) until 11am and then again from 7pm until 10pm. Still need a declaration as to why you are going out i.e. shopping and or exercise.

We were going to the fruit & veg shop, but that has gone on the back burner until tomorrow. Weather is good so we sit outside most of the morning and afternoon. We go out smack on 7pm and are out about 1hour 15mins and did 4.7miles not bad. Strange being out at that time, sun going down and completely different feel to the place. Tomorrow much to my dismay we are getting up early so we can go out and do shop shopping before the 11am deadline.

Wed 29 April

Out just after 9.30am, I thought there was only one 9.30. We did the fruit and veg shopping and got back just before 10.45am sat outside in the lovely sunshine for about half an hour or so before some ominous clouds appeared. ‘T’ did a clean up inside, I did some of the outside chores and all finished just before the rain started.

Then we had thunder but without the lightening and now 5.30pm the sun has just started shining again. It’s nearly that hour to partake in a drop of wine or similar, best check the fridge not sure any wine in it. Oh no the fridge was bare, bottle in freezer now and will have to settle for a GnT before starting on the wine.

Thurs 30 April

Out again just after 9.30am a bit cooler today and with a wind. Walked just over 4 ½ miles today. We have an app on the phone that tells you how for you have walked. You can also do totals and in the month 1-30 April we have done almost 90 miles. If we start now and keep it going we might be home by July/August next year.

Sat outside for about half an hour, but to windy so have been in the bus most of the day door open when sunshine closed when the wind gets up. 7 o’clock and still drinking coffee, that has to change. I have a 330ml bottle of Strongbow ‘Dry White Cider’ 5% Alc. Never seen it before anywhere, but it is a life saver, I don’t do beer. We also had the longest game of rummy today about 2 hours and the winner only has to reach 121.

Fri 1 May

Labor (that’s how it spelt here) Day, here in Romania and a day off for those at work aren’t they lucky. Out again about 9.30 did a bit of shopping whilst out and then sat in the garden for a short while till the dark clouds came over with thunder and heavy rain. Most of the day spent inside playing games of one description or another, listening to music from our CD collection I have downloaded on to the laptop.

Just deciding what to have for evening meal paprika and garlic prawns with pasta of some description and a few glasses of wine to help.

Sat 2 May

Morning walk was good nearly 4 miles and then plenty of sunshine in the afternoon, so not a bad day.

Sun 3 May

Not much at all to report today, no walk, rain stopped play and still raining as it approaches 7pm the second spell that we can go out walking. Attended Facebook church service and later watched an Andrew Lloyd Webber concert to celebrate his birthday that has been put on you tube over the weekend to raise money for various charities. I don’t know what age he and the artists were, but he and they looked about 25, well maybe a bit older.

So that is another week done and dusted, I have to admit that this has been the hardest week as the weather hasn’t been so good. We are both fine if we can sit in the sun reading, listening to the radio.

We are moving closer to a relaxation of travelling restrictions and starting to think what we should do? Not knowing if campsites are open is a bit concerning, but we shall have to call ahead and check. Still got no idea about the Hungarian border situation, it is going to have to be a phone call to the UK embassy to check.

Take Care more next week if you can stand it?
Loved reading your updates Dennisad :giggle:

Although I think your “Buster Keaton” rail truck is actually a horse drawn fire pump (y)
Keep up the posts please, they are appreciated. :)
Thanks for carrying on with this. We really appreciate the insight you give us in to Romanian life as well as your own.
You are coping so well with it all.

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Loved reading your updates Dennisad :giggle:

Although I think your “Buster Keaton” rail truck is actually a horse drawn fire pump (y)

Hi MickyC

I have done some checking on your (outrageous(only joking)) suggestion, see my next post on Sat/Sun.

Cheers Dennis
Mon 4 May

Went to bed last night to the sound of rain pitter pattering on the roof (a sound I absolutely love) woke up this morning to the sound of rain pitter pattering on the roof (a sound I absolutely hate). We did say we were going to get the Rovinieta this morning so we can drive to Sibui tomorrow and shop at Auchan, the supplies are running low. Well to be honest the Gin, Cider, Beer, Wine, and mixers, what else do you need in Lockdown? Oh yes that food stuff.

The rain wasn’t quite as bad as it sounded so we did a long way round walk to the shop that sells said Rovinieta and took the long way back as well, just over 3 miles. Not enough to make up for yesterday’s inaction. Here a pic that typifies todays weather.

313 4 May View Clouds over Hills.JPG

Listening to Ken Bruce on radio 2 and pop master, not doing very well as usual and waiting for another exciting day to unfold. Would you believe it was a lot like the other days we have had lately, we did play cards and Yahtzee. I lost at cards but won Yahtzee.

Tue 5 May

Up early and out by 7:30amish to get to Auchan for almost opening time as we have to be back by 11am. Arrived at 8:15am, when we got there went to get some fresh fish and the fishmonger hadn’t got any out ready, he was just starting to put the ice out for the fish to rest on. You would think that he would be prepared prior to opening hours.

Got back just before the 11am deadline, then sat outside for a while. Wind got up and looked like it was going to rain but the sun is out again, a mixed day. Next couple of days do not look promising, 60/70% chance of rain. We will probably go out for a walk at 7 this evening, trying to think of a route we haven’t been, but that is getting harder all the time. Didn’t make the 7pm walk, we were busy ‘T’ with UK daily briefing and me playing silly games.

Wed 6 May

Out for our daily walk and a little bit of fresh salad and fruit shopping (better than supermarket, all home grown by the seller). I have read a lot lately about people using their local shops for groceries, meat (butchers remember them?) and saying how good the food tastes compared to the supermarket. Then saying after all this they are going to continue to support their local shops. I hope people do, I know I will encourage ‘T’ to do so, the fresh veg and fruit is great.

Any way thanks to a comment by ‘Micky C’ about my Buster Keaton railway truck most likely being a horse drawn fire cart, I thought a little more investigation was required. I like my idea better as I always howled seeing the guys propelling themselves along the railway track trying to escape from the train behind them. So here is another photo of said vehicle and my official verdict of is it a railway truck or a horse drawn fire truck’?

314 6 May Horse Drawn Fire Cart.JPG

Is an 1899 Horse Drawn Fire Cart, there is a plate on it with the date and a cart number 13692.

316 Horse Drawn Fire Cart close up of Date & Number 1899 - 13692.jpg

Today is another cool, windy day with outbreaks of sunshine that just isn’t enough to go and sit outside. But I did for a short while after we got back from our walk and I was rewarded. I have been trying to take a photo of the visiting Woodpecker and whilst outside spotted the elusive Woodpecker. Well if you have ever tried to get that photo, they are so small that between taking your eye off them to get the camera/phone when you look back you can’t see them. Today I had a friendly ally a Pidgeon that was also in the tree sitting not far from Woody and managed to get the photo of Woody and his Pidgeon friend (no my) Pidgeon friend.

But now can you spot them?

317 Elusive Woodpecker and Pidgeon - Copy.JPG

We have started the countdown to our return to the UK only 29 days to go, 4th June we should be Eurotunnelling our way back. Is it, wishful thinking?

It shouldn’t be, but a lot of research needed and calling ahead to campsites to see if they are open. Route will be Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium and France. In the next couple of days I will outline the current challenges each country holds for us.

Thur 7 May

Weather a little on the cool and windy side but improving towards the weekend. Out for our normal walk just over 3 miles and a debate over if we have bought small cucumbers or large gherkins. Lunch proved they were cucumbers, luckily for ‘T’ as she does not like the latter.

So a little research reveals to avoid Hungary who currently have the stance of only those with Permanent Residence Card, Registered Cert of Residence or Address Card will be allowed to enter. If allowed to enter, you need to undertake a Medical exam at border if suspected of infection you go into officially designated Quarantine for 14 days.

If no suspicion of infection home isolation 14 days. I would argue that we are in our home and therefore as long as we comply with local coronavirus condition’s we can continue our journey.

Back to avoiding travelling through Hungary, we need to travel through Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia to reach Austria. Or to the North of Romania and then Ukraine and Slovakia to reach Austria.

Two major problems, Serbia has all borders closed completely and Ukraine are not in the EU, so that was quick and easy back to negotiations with UK Embassy in Hungary when the time comes.

Fri 8 May

We hope you are enjoying the VE Day celebrations as much as you can. Glorious sunshine here this morning and hot, after our walk its great sitting out weather. Then ‘T’ is doing the washing, me prepping tonight’s meal Moroccan Chicken Stew, in between sitting out in the sun. Then me thinking about the possibility of a sunburnt head, put on some factor 10 and within 20mins light clouds are appearing, afternoon has been sunny with light clouds, another waste of suntan oil.

Well we have started to plot our way home and made our first attempt to speak with the UK embassy in Hungary. After being cut off once and unable to get through for an age we eventually got through to (Guess Where?) the UK. Who after we explain our position tell us to contact the dedicated Hungarian FCO team via the website and email them explaining our position. Sound familiar it should, we contacted them via this latest suggested media on 7 April, not holding our breath. More on this saga to follow no doubt.

Sat/Sun 9/10 May

Two nice days here plenty of sunshine, walking and sitting outside.

The response from the Hungarian Embassy team to our email was almost impressive, replied within an hour. Only problem is that whoever trained the embassy staff didn’t tell them to answer the question posed by the person making the enquiry. Chocolate fire guards do not work. An email sent straight back, please answer the question. They did suggest one thing that we will follow up tomorrow that is the contact the Hungarian Embassy in London. I did think that our UK Embassy and the Hungarian Embassy would have been in contact with each other about how British/Hungarian Nationals got home by way of road, maybe I expect too much?

Anyway another nice week and no rush to get home no UK restaurants open until July, haven’t yet thought about extended the Eurotunnel ticket??? Just a thought haven’t mentioned it to ‘T’ yet.

Take Care and more next week.
I thought the EU had agreed you were allowed to transit through EU countries for the purpose of getting home. You need proof of residency in uk and ferry/train booking.
Hi Chris
There is nothing to that effect on the FCO websites for any of the countries. If you can point me in the direction of that info I would be very grateful. Many thanks
Hi there.... some friends of mine came back from Spain via France after all the ferries had shut down and Lock down was in effect. They used the tunnel. I will contact them and ask.


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Mon 4 May

Went to bed last night to the sound of rain pitter pattering on the roof (a sound I absolutely love) woke up this morning to the sound of rain pitter pattering on the roof (a sound I absolutely hate). We did say we were going to get the Rovinieta this morning so we can drive to Sibui tomorrow and shop at Auchan, the supplies are running low. Well to be honest the Gin, Cider, Beer, Wine, and mixers, what else do you need in Lockdown? Oh yes that food stuff.

The rain wasn’t quite as bad as it sounded so we did a long way round walk to the shop that sells said Rovinieta and took the long way back as well, just over 3 miles. Not enough to make up for yesterday’s inaction. Here a pic that typifies todays weather.

View attachment 386908

Listening to Ken Bruce on radio 2 and pop master, not doing very well as usual and waiting for another exciting day to unfold. Would you believe it was a lot like the other days we have had lately, we did play cards and Yahtzee. I lost at cards but won Yahtzee.

Tue 5 May

Up early and out by 7:30amish to get to Auchan for almost opening time as we have to be back by 11am. Arrived at 8:15am, when we got there went to get some fresh fish and the fishmonger hadn’t got any out ready, he was just starting to put the ice out for the fish to rest on. You would think that he would be prepared prior to opening hours.

Got back just before the 11am deadline, then sat outside for a while. Wind got up and looked like it was going to rain but the sun is out again, a mixed day. Next couple of days do not look promising, 60/70% chance of rain. We will probably go out for a walk at 7 this evening, trying to think of a route we haven’t been, but that is getting harder all the time. Didn’t make the 7pm walk, we were busy ‘T’ with UK daily briefing and me playing silly games.

Wed 6 May

Out for our daily walk and a little bit of fresh salad and fruit shopping (better than supermarket, all home grown by the seller). I have read a lot lately about people using their local shops for groceries, meat (butchers remember them?) and saying how good the food tastes compared to the supermarket. Then saying after all this they are going to continue to support their local shops. I hope people do, I know I will encourage ‘T’ to do so, the fresh veg and fruit is great.

Any way thanks to a comment by ‘Micky C’ about my Buster Keaton railway truck most likely being a horse drawn fire cart, I thought a little more investigation was required. I like my idea better as I always howled seeing the guys propelling themselves along the railway track trying to escape from the train behind them. So here is another photo of said vehicle and my official verdict of is it a railway truck or a horse drawn fire truck’?

View attachment 386917

Is an 1899 Horse Drawn Fire Cart, there is a plate on it with the date and a cart number 13692.

View attachment 386918

Today is another cool, windy day with outbreaks of sunshine that just isn’t enough to go and sit outside. But I did for a short while after we got back from our walk and I was rewarded. I have been trying to take a photo of the visiting Woodpecker and whilst outside spotted the elusive Woodpecker. Well if you have ever tried to get that photo, they are so small that between taking your eye off them to get the camera/phone when you look back you can’t see them. Today I had a friendly ally a Pidgeon that was also in the tree sitting not far from Woody and managed to get the photo of Woody and his Pidgeon friend (no my) Pidgeon friend.

But now can you spot them?

View attachment 386919

We have started the countdown to our return to the UK only 29 days to go, 4th June we should be Eurotunnelling our way back. Is it, wishful thinking?

It shouldn’t be, but a lot of research needed and calling ahead to campsites to see if they are open. Route will be Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium and France. In the next couple of days I will outline the current challenges each country holds for us.

Thur 7 May

Weather a little on the cool and windy side but improving towards the weekend. Out for our normal walk just over 3 miles and a debate over if we have bought small cucumbers or large gherkins. Lunch proved they were cucumbers, luckily for ‘T’ as she does not like the latter.

So a little research reveals to avoid Hungary who currently have the stance of only those with Permanent Residence Card, Registered Cert of Residence or Address Card will be allowed to enter. If allowed to enter, you need to undertake a Medical exam at border if suspected of infection you go into officially designated Quarantine for 14 days.

If no suspicion of infection home isolation 14 days. I would argue that we are in our home and therefore as long as we comply with local coronavirus condition’s we can continue our journey.

Back to avoiding travelling through Hungary, we need to travel through Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia to reach Austria. Or to the North of Romania and then Ukraine and Slovakia to reach Austria.

Two major problems, Serbia has all borders closed completely and Ukraine are not in the EU, so that was quick and easy back to negotiations with UK Embassy in Hungary when the time comes.

Fri 8 May

We hope you are enjoying the VE Day celebrations as much as you can. Glorious sunshine here this morning and hot, after our walk its great sitting out weather. Then ‘T’ is doing the washing, me prepping tonight’s meal Moroccan Chicken Stew, in between sitting out in the sun. Then me thinking about the possibility of a sunburnt head, put on some factor 10 and within 20mins light clouds are appearing, afternoon has been sunny with light clouds, another waste of suntan oil.

Well we have started to plot our way home and made our first attempt to speak with the UK embassy in Hungary. After being cut off once and unable to get through for an age we eventually got through to (Guess Where?) the UK. Who after we explain our position tell us to contact the dedicated Hungarian FCO team via the website and email them explaining our position. Sound familiar it should, we contacted them via this latest suggested media on 7 April, not holding our breath. More on this saga to follow no doubt.

Sat/Sun 9/10 May

Two nice days here plenty of sunshine, walking and sitting outside.

The response from the Hungarian Embassy team to our email was almost impressive, replied within an hour. Only problem is that whoever trained the embassy staff didn’t tell them to answer the question posed by the person making the enquiry. Chocolate fire guards do not work. An email sent straight back, please answer the question. They did suggest one thing that we will follow up tomorrow that is the contact the Hungarian Embassy in London. I did think that our UK Embassy and the Hungarian Embassy would have been in contact with each other about how British/Hungarian Nationals got home by way of road, maybe I expect too much?

Anyway another nice week and no rush to get home no UK restaurants open until July, haven’t yet thought about extended the Eurotunnel ticket??? Just a thought haven’t mentioned it to ‘T’ yet.

Take Care and more next week.
The wheels on that cart are wrong if it was meant to run on rails. There are no flanges.

Thanks for the update, you may yet escape this year. ?
I thought the EU had agreed you were allowed to transit through EU countries for the purpose of getting home. You need proof of residency in uk and ferry/train booking.
Hi Chris
There is nothing to that effect on the FCO websites for any of the countries. If you can point me in the direction of that info I would be very grateful. Many thanks
The new French attestaion form has a box fro Transit through to a country of your permanent residence. I.e if I was elsewhere I can transit France to return to spain even though I am British.

Forms link in Freicn & english downloads
<Broken link removed>
That’s helpful Gus. I am thinking there must be similar for transiting Hungary, Germany etc
The Austrian-German border will reopen on June 15th, and some of the current restrictions will be lifted this Friday, if that helps anyone.

Today I had a friendly ally a Pidgeon that was also in the tree sitting not far from Woody and managed to get the photo of Woody and his Pidgeon friend (no my) Pidgeon friend.

But now can you spot them?

317 Elusive Woodpecker and Pidgeon - Copy.JPG
Are you sure that’s a pidgeon ? I’m a bit of an expert on these creatures and have given advice to Lenny HB and DBK In the past

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