Robert Clark
Deleted User
As Zac said we have replaced the unit, for his peace of mind. The original unit worked correctly once the "system restart" command was sent, allowing the van to start normally but, as stated was replaced anyway, as a gesture of good will even though technically out of warranty and two years free subscription added to the replacement system.
We are working with Meta to send an email and an "in app" message to remind people that it is essential that they know their username and password, to log into their App, which is needed after a software update, and that should there ever be an anomaly, such as in this case (where it the App showed that the system wasn't immobilising the van, when in fact is had immobilised the van after the App update) that either the optional over ride tag can be used or of course the "system restart" would sort everything out
A bit like when your computer or phone doesn't do what you expect and you turn it off and back on again, which is what the system restart does.
Thanks for clarifying Eddie
How easy is it and what’s involved in doing a system reset?