Something for shifty's archive......I admit to doing the same.... my own preference on route is the late arrivals car park of many camp sites. If you are really cheeky then you have access to a shower ready for an early start towards your destination.......I'm in the wilding camp, you can't beat it, though its rare if we stay in the same place more than two or three consecutive nights, although we have.
Follow a few simple rules and you can't really go wrong Do I wild 'park'. yes all the time, I sneak nights, which are almost always breaks in journeys, all over the place at home and abroad; Supermarket carparks, beach carparks, trading estates, forest carparks. Would I spend weeks on end in a dusty car park because it's free? No chance.
Are the wild places in Europe overcrowded? absolutley not, believe me, there are literally millions of places in Europe that offer a wonderful night or two's pitching that are yet to be discovered by anyone in a motorhome, let alone be over used. You just have to get off the beaten track and find them. For us that is 80% of the fun