Say Apple is forced to provide a method that allows a "Brute force attack" for that the bad guys need your phone, shoulder surfing seems to me a much easier way for crims to get access to your bank account. So I still don't see the problem, and their are some very clever people with government funds (China) to support them who could possibly alter Apples software themselves, after all, aren't the chips made there?
No, Apple devices can't be brute forced currently. There is no technical way to do this. The court is trying to force apple to create software/hardware and modify the phone to allow this to happen.
No one can bruteforce the devices currently not china, not the US (NSA) and not the UK. That is why creating this technology is so dangerous. Once it is made it can't be unmade and other WILL get their hands on it by one means or another.
Crims shoulder surfing is an easy thing to prevent. Once this technology s out there it is only a matter of time before criminals get a hold of it. They could then potentially remotely access your device for their criminal activities. Or at best they would have immediate access to the contents if they stole your device. The whole point of the encryption system is to prevent this.