zoom in on the Google maps and you will see an RV with slideout there. Seen it beforeI have been searching Google Earth for ages to see where "Marine Walk Car Park" is but I cannot find it!
Every other car park is on the Cleethorpes map, except Marine Walk, have they named it wrongly in the newspaper article?
I have been scrolling up & down that bloomin promenade all night, could have eaten a ton of ice cream by now, seeing how much is on offer.
I think the NE coast is becoming more difficult every year to find suitable MH parking spots, whether free or not, its enough to put us off even thinking of going to these places, shame about the few spoiling things for all of us, but that's just a sad reflection of todays careless society.
If councils really want to provide a better cleaner environment for all, they need to consider more accessible/affordable parking, serviced public toilets, and more bins, with regular collection.
Use parking charges to help pay towards these services, local council tax payers are already well stitched up I bet.
If parking charges are too high though, then that's a further nail in the coffin of the high street, it has to be balanced fairly from all sides.
Marine walk car park cleethorpes
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