14 day cancellation implications (1 Viewer)

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Jul 7, 2016
Powys, UK
Funster No
hymer b584
Full time from 2015 - 2023 just short trips now for a while.
Hi All,
My insurance renews on the 10th July, I've accepted the renewal quote but was not happy with only 60 days EU breakdown cover (Plus the £300 increase). I've been in touch with a previous company that will cover me for the whole year EU breakdown, I know it's only a three month allowance since brexit. But I'm thinking of staying in a non EU country, then coming back in after a few months. My question is, if I cancel my renewal and take the competitors offer.
* Will it effect future insurance or is the 14 day cooling period just that, with no repercussions
All advice welcome

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