To the very best of my knowledge, there is very little negative material connected with Seval vans. They make tens of thousands and many of them become motorhomes. The worst, most publicised problem was the gearbox on 2.3 vans made between 2006 and 2010, where a reverse judder was a problem on some (not all) vans.Another Fiat/Sevel fault? Can I have some facts? I believe a Peugot Boxer is a Sevel and would like to know what faults I am not aware of please
Thanks in anticipation
If fire or any other dangerous fault was evident during the many years the vans have been in production, this and every other forum would be packed with examples, where owners expensive investments had failed to live up to expectations.
Using a variety of different engines, the Fiat chassis is not the most expensive on the road but having been in continuous production going back certainly more than thirty years, it aint bad!