Deleted User
Hi all, sorry wrong we are not great any more, We are lazy, rule and fools, just look at the UK, you say you are English, But you allow the powers that be to remove ENGLISH from any forms uses by HMG, ask a policeman if you are English and he will answer no. What sort of country is that to feel great about.
What do we make, nothing, what do we export thats not owned by non UK companies, nothing.
What great persons has this country produced from 1950 to today, none.
When I visit the rest of europe which I do each year, I can park my motorhome, or car in the knowledge that it will be there on my return safe and sound, try doing this in good old England
This place is a dump, and the sooner people get their heads out of their behinds and look around the sooner it will start to change.
And I love my country, but its a left wing dump, with fools in power and bigger fools allowing them to get away with it.
What do we make, nothing, what do we export thats not owned by non UK companies, nothing.
What great persons has this country produced from 1950 to today, none.
When I visit the rest of europe which I do each year, I can park my motorhome, or car in the knowledge that it will be there on my return safe and sound, try doing this in good old England
This place is a dump, and the sooner people get their heads out of their behinds and look around the sooner it will start to change.
And I love my country, but its a left wing dump, with fools in power and bigger fools allowing them to get away with it.