
May 1st 2023.


Angela and I had been to Venice before we married in 1992. She had always wanted to go back and we had been close a few times. As the others had not been we had planned it in. We wanted to go before it was too hot. Indeed if we had not planned in Venice we would have traveled a different route.
So after a very relaxing time in Camping Spiaggio we headed for Venice.

When we were here in the 90s we stayed at Lido de Jesolo. This was years before we had a motorhome. We were young(ish) and poor and went on bus! This meant getting a ferry to Venice but the approach on the boat was a great memory. On the opposite side to Venice near Lido there are lots and lots of campsites. A lot of them very big and very touristy and tacky. We chose one near the end of the Cavallino peninsula.
The only reason we were there was to see Venice and we wanted a simple campsite and we found one 20 mins walk from the ferry.
It was a little site with a farm shop selling local stuff. It is a very small site but there were not many people on it. Again the weather was not great and the very friendly owner explained it was not getting better tomorrow. She also gave us lots of information on how to get to Venice giving us a map with were to go away from the touristy places and what ferries to catch.
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The next day true to her word it pissed down all day.
We wrote the day off and stayed around the van. It was also cold, so much for not wanting it too hot.
The next day the weather was a little better but still cool and cloudy. The long trousers were back on. We walked down to the ferry. I had read of bikes being stolen so chose to walk. There were places to park bikes but they wanted paying even for that privilege. Welcome to Italy.
There were many ferries with many queues, so being english we stood in one and me being a man sent the women off to check we were in the right queue. We weren't.
After finding the right queue we bought a two day roving ticket which meant we could use it as much as we wanted over the remaining two days we were there. This included the ferries to Burano, Murano (Vic Reeves fans are now saying Uvavoo) as well as the main ferry to Venice and more importantly the ferry that goes through the main canal.
As the weather was still poor we went to Burano. Our helpful campsite had recommended it.
Poor old Sam had to go in a bag.
Burano is known for its coloured houses and lace. It is a mini Venice and was very nice just wandering around.
From Burano we then caught the same ferry across to Murano. This is famous for its coloured glass which has been made here for hundreds of years. We had some lunch (pizza what else?) and a few beers (what else?).
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After Angela bought some expensive Murano glasses (that are still in the bag four months later) we hopped across to Venice.
It was slightly brighter and slightly warmer. We walked from one side to the other going by the Rialto bridge and the main square. Even though the weather was not great everywhere had been packed. Standing room only on the ferries.

We called in at a bar as we got off the ferry terminal. We ordered a few beers and glasses of wine. Owner never spoke a word of english but understood beer. He brought one out for us to look at and we nodded. It was really nice and the men ordered another. The owner then brought out a pizza. We said we had never ordered it but he said no no no okay. It was just a thin garlic bread with tomato but was lovely. When we paid the bill it was indeed free.
The Next day we went back straight to Venice. It was now a beautiful day and clear blue sky. We got off one ferry and onto the ferry that goes through the main canal as per site owners instructions (No1 ferry).
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She had told us this goes to the Cannaregio and here we will find places to eat at more realistic prices.
From here we wandered around getting lost and seeking out the main tourist haunts. The weather was great and I took some good pics. A good day was had by all.
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Sue and William and Angela wanted to go on a gondola. They were all a fixed price of €75.
Ang and Paul agreed to look after Sam as Ang was not good on boats. She had done well getting across but a little gondola was a different story.
The gondolier himself didn't let anyone down who had a stereotypical view of Italians. All through the ride he was on his phone and pig ignorant. But was done as was Venice.
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Next stop Croatia.

We stayed at Agricampeggio da Scarpa (ACSI €23)

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Alan Kerr,
Rhino Installs